[h=1]Clint Eastwood's Chrysler Super Bowl Ad: The Untold Obama Connection[/h]
[h=2]Two members of the creative team that produced the two-minute minute spot for ad agency Wieden+Kennedy donated their personal time in 2008 to make pro-Obama art.[/h]
Several members of the Wieden+Kennedy team that produced the Eastwood spot were among the creative professionals who privately supported Obama’s first election campaign. Creative director
Aaron Allen, for example, created a striking poster, called
"United the States of America," on candidate Obama’s behalf. The poster shows an Obama silhouette bringing together red and blue spheres meant to represent America’s partisan division. His official bio notes that he “also works on personal art projects, including a poster for the 2008 Obama campaign that was shown in several galleries and publications.”
The ad’s art director,
Jimm Lasser, created an entire art exhibit in New York around
Nike-style shoes bearing Obama’s image. Another of the creative directors,
Michael Tabtabai has used his
Twitter account recently to send out the message “Obama x Incredible Hulk. America STRONG!” and
linking to an image of an action doll of the president looking like the comic book super hero.