Bezos does the expected for once.


Well-Known Member
You falsely characterize everything then accuse people of lying. You honestly don't have a clue, or a moral compass.
Look, this thread was about the economic viability of the ADP program. Now when you get back to the states why not end this by challenging him to a pistol duel?


Well-Known Member
You falsely characterize everything then accuse people of lying. You honestly don't have a clue, or a moral compass.
So you didn't say you were living in a tent a few weeks ago?

So you haven't told us your wife is living in the US while you are overseas?

I am sorry. I guess I must have misread your post.


Well-Known Member
Staying in a tent inside a hostel with air conditioning, excellent wifi, modern kitchen and restrooms, clean as a whistle, meeting travelers, $150 a month. Saving money, paying off bills, helping my parents.

Oh wait. You DID say you were living in a tent. Bummer


Well-Known Member
So you didn't say you were living in a tent a few weeks ago?

So you haven't told us your wife is living in the US while you are overseas?

I am sorry. I guess I must have misread your post.
You characterize it as if that's all I'm doing, living in a tent. I lived in a tent hostel for one month, that's all. I've traveled extensively through 5 countries since February. And you do it to deflect from the truth about FedEx that you don't want anyone to know. You're dishonest, with no moral compass. No sense of decency. No one who claims to be a Christian constantly attacks others the way you do.


Well-Known Member
You characterize it as if that's all I'm doing, living in a tent. I lived in a tent hostel for one month, that's all. I've traveled extensively through 5 countries since February. And you do it to deflect from the truth about FedEx that you don't want anyone to know. You're dishonest, with no moral compass. No sense of decency. No one who claims to be a Christian constantly attacks others the way you do.
That's funny I don't care who you are. While I have caught you and bacha and OP telling untruths, find 1 instance where I have told an untruth.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
Your redneckidness is showing. Tripadvisor is traveler reviews mostly. But whatever, I'm listening to great music, the WiFi is excellent, service attentive, seating super comfortable, food is delicious, and this meal will run me about $6 with tip.

And you're living in a tent in a hostel.


Well-Known Member
You characterize it as if that's all I'm doing, living in a tent. I lived in a tent hostel for one month, that's all. I've traveled extensively through 5 countries since February. And you do it to deflect from the truth about FedEx that you don't want anyone to know. You're dishonest, with no moral compass. No sense of decency. No one who claims to be a Christian constantly attacks others the way you do.
Why don't you ask OF how many times he's been out of country , when, where for how long as well as the number of passports he's ever held. Why? it's because he like myself and others admire your ability to easily expertly and skillfully travel from country to country . The only difference is that he resents it.

Route 66

Slapped Upside-da-Head Member
Van, why do you keep engaging that toilet brush? :confused:

It just gives him a reason to keep on with his idiocy. I mean just look at who you’re sparring with.


Worth it???
I mean really


Well-Known Member
Oh, I'm sorry. You WERE living in a tent in a hostel.
Thank you, accuracy matters. So being comfortable, eating well, while able to pay bills off is a bad thing? It's not about, nor ever was, about putting the U.S. down. The U.S. is just too expensive for a $22k a year income but much of the world isn't. And for the BakerMayfield's out there who knee jerk over any suggestion that something might be better than the U.S., Kyrgyzstan has bigger, more awe inspiring mountains. The only thing close to these in the U.S. are in Alaska, but even they aren't as big. I could've gone to a lot of places, but I wanted to see real mountains, and in a country that's pro U.S.. And almost India cheap.


Well-Known Member
Why don't you ask OF how many times he's been out of country , when, where for how long as well as the number of passports he's ever held. Why? it's because he like myself and others admire your ability to easily expertly and skillfully travel from country to country . The only difference is that he resents it.
I resent someone living in a 3rd world country, HAS lived in a tent for a while, hasn't seen his wife in months. That is funny. I have never been to another country but I am over halfway thru my bucket list of visiting all 50 states. Finishing up another 3 day weekend in Daytona before heading back to work for a few days and attending next weeks race in Sparta Ky. You want to talk about a vacation destination. You are really missing out if you haven't spent time in Sparta Ky.


Well-Known Member
I resent someone living in a 3rd world country, HAS lived in a tent for a while, hasn't seen his wife in months. That is funny. I have never been to another country but I am over halfway thru my bucket list of visiting all 50 states. Finishing up another 3 day weekend in Daytona before heading back to work for a few days and attending next weeks race in Sparta Ky. You want to talk about a vacation destination. You are really missing out if you haven't spent time in Sparta Ky.
The state of the relationship between VT and his wife is purely a domestic matter. You resent and perhaps flat out dislike people who have lived in or are native to a third world nation for the simple reason that they are different. People like you hate change. Well bud you had better get used to a whole lot of change.
For example Barrack Obama will NOT be the last non white minority to be elected president. There will be women, Catholic's Jews, LGT's etc who will continue to ascend to positions of power.
Yep, change and a whole of it is coming and there ain't a damn thing you can do about it. Except of course to move to a third world nation.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
The state of the relationship between VT and his wife is purely a domestic matter. You resent and perhaps flat out dislike people who have lived in or are native to a third world nation for the simple reason that they are different. People like you hate change. Well bud you had better get used to a whole lot of change.
For example Barrack Obama will NOT be the last non white minority to be elected president. There will be women, Catholic's Jews, LGT's etc who will continue to ascend to positions of power.
Yep, change and a whole of it is coming and there ain't a damn thing you can do about it. Except of course to move to a third world nation.

I didn't know that Catholic had any Jews.