Well-Known Member
exactlySnake oil and Sugar water does not protect or do anything for “anyone.”
exactlySnake oil and Sugar water does not protect or do anything for “anyone.”
Actually, the original snake oil was an American Indian concoction that had some medicinal qualities.exactly
We agree on the definition of snake oil. I would never trust a snake oil salesman.exactly
Brought it up to 2022 standards for you!We agree on the definition of snake oil. I would never trust a snake oil sales-entity (he/him/she/her/it/other)
snake oil
- A worthless preparation fraudulently peddled as a cure for many ills.
- Speech or writing intended to deceive; humbug
You specifically mentioned it on an earlier post that was taken down. So you're just going to do as others? You walk out the hospital door snickering like Allstate Mayhem...."See ya suckers . My 6 figure bill?...That's you're problem. You can just add it to your other costs of operation stack it on top of your other charges and send it off to the insurers who will pass it down to the people PERSONALLY RESPONSIBLE enough to buy coverage".Medicaid didn't contact me. Where'd you get that? And nowhere in that legislation is the word gay said.
who knew the idians could come up with a better product than a billion dollar pharm industy.Actually, the original snake oil was an American Indian concoction that had some medicinal qualities.
Medically helping
So now you're Adam Schiff making up lines. I never said Medicaid contacted me. A lady from the hospital financial aid office talked to me in person and on the phone.You specifically mentioned it on an earlier post that was taken down. So you're just going to do as others? You walk out the hospital door snickering like Allstate Mayhem...."See ya suckers . My 6 figure bill?...That's you're problem. You can just add it to your other costs of operation stack it on top of your other charges and send it off to the insurers who will pass it down to the people PERSONALLY RESPONSIBLE enough to buy coverage".
Perhaps we should do it the conservative way. The way it's done with every other big ticket purchase .You buy stocks on margin?.....20% down. Buy a house?....20% down. Place an order for an imported luxury car?....20% down. The ambulance brings you in to the hospital....."You need open heart surgery. Estimated minimum charges....$200.000....We require 20% down . So unless you can provide us with a $40,000 down payment by the end of business will be discharged and sent home". In the eyes of a true conservative such as yourself....this is the only fair way to do it....Don't you agree that it is in keeping with your conservative ideals? If you can't pay for do without it. Given that you obviously knew that you had no way to pay for a surgery that literally saved your life you nevertheless signed your name to the authorization to treat form and agreed to accept the charges? Are you not willfully committing medical fraud?
WHEN did I ever say that a person who met the required number of paid quarters did not deserve to draw benefits? In fact I'm the one who wanted you to make for first application for SSD. What I pointed is the fact that for more than 60% of the people receiving benefits that monthly benefit represents 90% or more of their total income. The point I also made was that if 87 years ago Democrats didn't have the foresight and the courage to pass that bill what would life be like today for people in that position? What alternative would the GOP have to offer? To this day none of you have offered any alternative let alone a better one.So now you're Adam Schiff making up lines. I never said Medicaid contacted me. A lady from the hospital financial aid office talked to me in person and on the phone.
And here we go. The guy who thinks conservatives should pay into Social Security but not receive it is telling me how conservatives are supposed to act. I went into the hospital knowing it was going to be a huge bill and was prepared to pay on it the rest of my life. They said I should qualify to have it written off and it now has been. I never asked for that.
I would suggest you get some counseling. Your hatred of conservatives is making you crazy.
You have on multiple posts said that Republicans shouldn't receive any benefits because for some reason you think Republicans are all against Social Security.WHEN did I ever say that a person who met the required number of paid quarters did not deserve to draw benefits? In fact I'm the one who wanted you to make for first application for SSD. What I pointed is the fact that for more than 60% of the people receiving benefits that monthly benefit represents 90% or more of their total income. The point I also made was that if 87 years ago Democrats didn't have the foresight and the courage to pass that bill what would life be like today for people in that position? What alternative would the GOP have to offer? To this day none of you have offered any alternative let alone a better one.
Now just yesterday at 11:34 AM on this thread you clearly stated that you had been informed that you qualified for "assistance". Now if not Medicaid then just exactly who is the party providing the "assistance"? Is this another one of your so called "private hospital" stories only to finally have to admit that it's a NFP?
But again I was simply stunned when I looked it up and discovered that of all states Florida the state with one of it not the highest population of aged residents TURNED DOWN the expanded Medicaid offer. In any given year the state would not have to bear anymore than 10% of the total cost. It would provide third party insurance coverage at basically zero cost for single persons earning up to about $18,000 a year. It you're above that 138% poverty threshold you go into the exchanges and buy insurance with premiums based on your income. Clearly the only reason DeSantos and his minions turned it down was because it was a Democrat initiative and they couldn't come up with anything better. On the other hand I am thankful that my state knew a good deal when it saw it and didn't care which party got the credit for it.
Explain to me what your rambling post has to do with Biden's racist pick for supreme court justice.You specifically mentioned it on an earlier post that was taken down. So you're just going to do as others? You walk out the hospital door snickering like Allstate Mayhem...."See ya suckers . My 6 figure bill?...That's you're problem. You can just add it to your other costs of operation stack it on top of your other charges and send it off to the insurers who will pass it down to the people PERSONALLY RESPONSIBLE enough to buy coverage".
Perhaps we should do it the conservative way. The way it's done with every other big ticket purchase .You buy stocks on margin?.....20% down. Buy a house?....20% down. Place an order for an imported luxury car?....20% down. The ambulance brings you in to the hospital....."You need open heart surgery. Estimated minimum charges....$200.000....We require 20% down . So unless you can provide us with a $40,000 down payment by the end of business will be discharged and sent home". In the eyes of a true conservative such as yourself....this is the only fair way to do it....Don't you agree that it is in keeping with your conservative ideals? If you can't pay for do without it. Given that you obviously knew that you had no way to pay for a surgery that literally saved your life you nevertheless signed your name to the authorization to treat form and agreed to accept the charges? Are you not willfully committing medical fraud?
It's spelled DeSantis.DeSantos and his minions turned it down was because it was a Democrat initiative and they couldn't come up with anything better. On the other hand I am thankful that my state knew a good deal when it saw it and didn't care which party got the credit for it.
Great article, thank you for clarifying the facts about Biden's obvious racism.![]()
No, President Bush did not nominate the first Black woman to the Supreme Court
Viral memes claim Judge Janice Rogers Brown was the first Black woman to be nominated to the Supreme Court, not Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson. That’s not
Here is a partial explanation.How do people not see the racism in Biden? He pre-qualified his pick for SCOTUS judge as a black female! THAT is racist as hell! It also speaks to his PC obsession. Someone PLEASE TELL ME! How is putting the BEST QUALIFIED judge a mistake compared to the PC judge!
True and the idea that 40 percent STILL "approve" of this idiot may be even more disheartening.