Big problems with the brown


Yes Really
Look I only been working for 3 months so far for UPS. I am tired of the redicule and humiliation the supervisors do to me. I load a truck with a very high volume, really to much to handle by myself.

What is very high volume? How does it compare to what other people are loading in your sort? Do you know what the average person's volume is? I don't mean to sound condescending but you are still fresh meat with 3 months under your belt. The job most jobs at ups can be very overwhelming until you find your groove. To be brutally honest not everyone is cut out for the physically demanding labor the job entails. Most new hires that come through it is either their first job out of high school or they have stood behind a cash register either way, most have no clue what they are in for.


Well-Known Member
You get paid by the hour to do a job. If it takes you longer to do the job than what they expect get a steward and tell them you are working in a safe steady pace. Ask them if they want you to work unsafe that you will do that and have them sign a piece of paper stating that. This is not a production job. Work as instructed as safely as you know how. They think by yelling at you or threatening you they will get more out of you. I don't understand why this gets under so many people's skin. When they talk or yell at you stop what your doing and listen. When they ask you why you aren't working tell them you want to make sure you dont miss anything they are saying by not paying attention. Be creative. It will not take long till they will not want to talk to you cause everytime they do you stop working. It's not rocket science, just a game you can win if you keep your cool.


Look I only been working for 3 months so far for UPS. I am tired of the redicule and humiliation the supervisors do to me. I load a truck with a very high volume, really to much to handle by myself. I have gotten to the point where I have had it with the harassment coming from supervisors, the threats from them that I have started looking into the union contract and speaking with an agent. For the last 2 days I have enforced my union contract against the supervisors and they are not liking it. Threatening me, not sending me the extra loaders to help anymore, pulling away my help from me. I have sent a huge list of things that has happened the last 2 days and my thoughts about it to my union agent. What else should I do in this situation? I need help. I need result's.


I have said it for years to my management team, "Please don't get mad, make more sense." Just work as directed Big Shooter and shut up about it, the guys and gals that you are working next to have experienced it all...Hence the 1000 yard stare we all have.