Bill Barr


Engorged Member
your treatsie and long winded diatribe will not now negate the study of evolution.

modern legal science has determined the investigation of trump collusion was unfounded.

now the evolutionary study of that witch hunt begins.

why was this case allowed to proceed in a secret fisa court not once but 4 times when the entire case was clearly without legal basis.

enquiring minds want to know and all your slights of hand and gnashing of teeth will not distract that investigation .

Did you think that fecal material up yourself, or did Sean Hannity feed it to you?


Well-Known Member
It's pretty amazing seeing Team Trump try and spin the Mueller Report into a "witch hunt", now featuring spies, at least according to AG Barr. After all of the nonsense and criminality discovered in the Mueller probe, now it's poor Donald, the VICTIM once again.

This is pure Republican strategy, apparently aided and abetted by a complicit Attorney General who won't show the unredacted report to the House Intelligence Commitee, and is probably quite busy making sure any reference to Trump in the report that looks bad is never seen.

Today, in front of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Barr performed like a trained pony, and exceeded the wildest GOP expectations by saying there was "spying" on the Trump campaign. Hmmm. Why would ANYONE want to investigate someone like Donald J. Trump, or Paul Manafort, or Michael Cohen, or any of the other members of the band of thugs surrounding the Head Thug?

It makes my head spin to watch Trump dismantle our democracy. If he loses in 2020, my guess is Cohen was right when he said Trump won't cede power... because somehow it must have been rigged, UNFAIR, or otherwise against Trump.

Barr needs to be investigated for being in Trump's pocket. After all, didn't he write essentially an application for the job by saying a sitting president was immune from prosecution?

All of this certainly isn't making America great again.
How many times a day does someone tell you that you have trump derangement syndrome. At least once just now


Engorged Member
I see you have no informed response.

My informed response comes from Barr's own memos and opinion pieces BEFORE he became AG stating that the Mueller probe was political and that a sitting president was immune from prosecution. Nothing weird there, eh?

So, the GOP-controlled Senate confirms Barr and he performs exactly as stated in his memos, BEFORE ever reading the Mueller evidence. In other words, so you can understand it, he had already declared Trump "absolved" of anything BEFORE he even became AG. Once he was AG, he did exactly as expected.

Is there a Bible passage for serving an evil master with lies? Even the POS Jeff Sessions had more integrity than Barr.


I love my job. Don't you?
You know what the real issue is? The Democrats and the fake news hyped up all of these idiots for two years that he is guilty. We know he is guilty. He has to be guilty and then old white Knight Bob Mueller comes out and :censored2:s the bed on their narrative. No collusion? Why good sir that's impossible. So then Mueller was compromised becomes the battle cry. Well shoot that didn't work. We will issue subpoenas like crazy because the attorney general (who is doing his job) is redacting the report like he should so it doesn't compromise other federal cases. Well now bill Barr is obviously against the people because he won't just Willy nilly throw the report out to the public. So he's obviously in Trump's pocket as well becomes the new narrative. Well :censored2: that is getting a little traction so let's go with that. It is sad because Democrats won't give up no matter what. They don't care what's fact or fiction anymore. They just want to build railroads over the ocean, ground planes and ban cow farts.


Well-Known Member
You know what the real issue is? The Democrats and the fake news hyped up all of these idiots for two years that he is guilty. We know he is guilty. He has to be guilty and then old white Knight Bob Mueller comes out and :censored2:s the bed on their narrative. No collusion? Why good sir that's impossible. So then Mueller was compromised becomes the battle cry. Well shoot that didn't work. We will issue subpoenas like crazy because the attorney general (who is doing his job) is redacting the report like he should so it doesn't compromise other federal cases. Well now bill Barr is obviously against the people because he won't just Willy nilly throw the report out to the public. So he's obviously in Trump's pocket as well becomes the new narrative. Well :censored2: that is getting a little traction so let's go with that. It is sad because Democrats won't give up no matter what. They don't care what's fact or fiction anymore. They just want to build railroads over the ocean, ground planes and ban cow farts.

'Show me on the doll where dispatch hurt you...'

Now that's funny!

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
You know what the real issue is? The Democrats and the fake news hyped up all of these idiots for two years that he is guilty. We know he is guilty. He has to be guilty and then old white Knight Bob Mueller comes out and :censored2:s the bed on their narrative. No collusion? Why good sir that's impossible. So then Mueller was compromised becomes the battle cry. Well shoot that didn't work. We will issue subpoenas like crazy because the attorney general (who is doing his job) is redacting the report like he should so it doesn't compromise other federal cases. Well now bill Barr is obviously against the people because he won't just Willy nilly throw the report out to the public. So he's obviously in Trump's pocket as well becomes the new narrative. Well :censored2: that is getting a little traction so let's go with that. It is sad because Democrats won't give up no matter what. They don't care what's fact or fiction anymore. They just want to build railroads over the ocean, ground planes and ban cow farts.
He has to redact to protect ongoing investigations, and the entire investigation was a coup, and everyone involved is totally exonerated. Cool, makes total sense.


Well-Known Member
My informed response comes from Barr's own memos and opinion pieces BEFORE he became AG stating that the Mueller probe was political and that a sitting president was immune from prosecution. Nothing weird there, eh?

So, the GOP-controlled Senate confirms Barr and he performs exactly as stated in his memos, BEFORE ever reading the Mueller evidence. In other words, so you can understand it, he had already declared Trump "absolved" of anything BEFORE he even became AG. Once he was AG, he did exactly as expected.

Is there a Bible passage for serving an evil master with lies? Even the POS Jeff Sessions had more integrity than Barr.

The Bible says judgement day is coming. Barr will deliver the punishment.


Well-Known Member
Watch the left explode when he gets reelected and since trump is at the top of the ticket many I'm sure we gain more seats in senate and even out the house. Maybe a few governorship along the way. Trump 2020 pence/Jordan 2024


Engorged Member
You know what the real issue is? The Democrats and the fake news hyped up all of these idiots for two years that he is guilty. We know he is guilty. He has to be guilty and then old white Knight Bob Mueller comes out and :censored2:s the bed on their narrative. No collusion? Why good sir that's impossible. So then Mueller was compromised becomes the battle cry. Well shoot that didn't work. We will issue subpoenas like crazy because the attorney general (who is doing his job) is redacting the report like he should so it doesn't compromise other federal cases. Well now bill Barr is obviously against the people because he won't just Willy nilly throw the report out to the public. So he's obviously in Trump's pocket as well becomes the new narrative. Well :censored2: that is getting a little traction so let's go with that. It is sad because Democrats won't give up no matter what. They don't care what's fact or fiction anymore. They just want to build railroads over the ocean, ground planes and ban cow farts.

The fake news is that Barr is the AG and cleared Trump of obstruction of justice. I agree that the Left felt Trump probably colluded and absolutely obstructed, but we'll apparently never get to see the full report nor will the House Intelligence Committee. That means the evidence is very likely there for obstruction.

Bill Barr should have recused himself based on the extremely biased conclusions he reached before ever reading the Mueller Report. That's right...he had already decided that a sitting president was immune. Isn't it just a bit odd and stilted that someone who has already made up their mind gets to decide if Trump obstructed? Mueller cleared Trump of collusion, and Barr pre-determined that Trump couldn't have obstructed because a president cannot obstruct....according to Barr.

It's all out there in plain sight. Barr wrote opinion pieces citing the above before he ever became AG. Conflict of interest? You bet. The EVIDENCE is strong that Trump selected Barr precisely due to Barr's publicly stated stance on the issue. Barr's opinion pieces were, in essence, a resume for the AG job. All that was missing was an appearance on FOX and Friends.

Sorry, but that's just wrong, and not fake news. Just because you got the decision you wanted doesn't make it lawful, ethical, or moral, which are 3 words absent from the Trump World lexicon (look it up).
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Engorged Member
Russia meddled in the election.
Trump campaign met with Russians.
The FBI investigated.

Stop your crying Trump sheep.

They are Trump marshmallow snowflakes, who melt as soon as they are criticized and/or questions. Truly fragile, and easily butthurt over the slightest perceived injustice.