Bill Barr


golden ticket member
Nadler just needs to use those fat little legs and walk to the secure room and read the unredacted version of the report instead of throwing a tantrum.....


Well-Known Member
It's in the report.
You haven't read it, you just believe whatever Cucker Tarlson and the other mainstream media talking heads on Faux News tell you to believe.
You seem to be holding yourself forth as an expert on the Mueller report yet curiously you refuse to cite examples. Are you acting on instructions from Rachel Madcow?


Inordinately Right
You seem to be holding yourself forth as an expert on the Mueller report yet curiously you refuse to cite examples. Are you acting on instructions from Rachel Madcow?
You want someone to spoon feed you information that is readily available to you already. You're such a failure. You can do better friend. Pull yourself up.


Well-Known Member
You want someone to spoon feed you information that is readily available to you already. You're such a failure. You can do better friend. Pull yourself up.
You keep saying over and over it's in the report but refuse to back up your assertions. As far as I'm concerned it's over and done with. I don't need to read it, was happy reading Barr's summary. I do know Mueller and his gang would be screaming if their findings were being ignored or mischaracterized. They aren't. Clinton committed crimes and didn't get a legitimate investigation. Trump didn't commit a crime and got every nose hair examined for two years. Such is life.


Well-Known Member
You want someone to spoon feed you information that is readily available to you already. You're such a failure. You can do better friend. Pull yourself up.
I want you to show me the part (in the report) that talks about how we got in this position or what would’ve prevented this position.

“If the Trump campaign hadn't met with and encouraged Russians to meddle in our election we wouldn't be in this position.”

I can’t find it, please support your claim. Mr fake news.


Inordinately Right
I want you to show me the part (in the report) that talks about how we got in this position or what would’ve prevented this position.

“If the Trump campaign hadn't met with and encouraged Russians to meddle in our election we wouldn't be in this position.”
What position do you think I'm referring to?