I was del to a house a few weeks ago and I had to stop and watch.
A sparrow was dive bombing a squirrel,that seemed truly frustrated.
He'd run up a tree...the bird would circle the tree and land on his back for a split second and fly off.The squirrel would try to run away but the
bird was way faster.It was like he was trying to pick it up like an eagle
attacking a rodent although the bird weighed maybe an ounce.I thought
maybe the squirrel figured out how to get at the bird feeder,and he
was being disciplined and warned that this was unacceptable.
A sparrow was dive bombing a squirrel,that seemed truly frustrated.
He'd run up a tree...the bird would circle the tree and land on his back for a split second and fly off.The squirrel would try to run away but the
bird was way faster.It was like he was trying to pick it up like an eagle
attacking a rodent although the bird weighed maybe an ounce.I thought
maybe the squirrel figured out how to get at the bird feeder,and he
was being disciplined and warned that this was unacceptable.