Typical liberal logic. They even make laws against so called "hate crimes" as apposed to enforcing the many laws already on the books against crime crime! We now have "thought police" in order to charge those who don't agree with you for hate.....brilliant.
Had the original laws against person and property been properly and equally applied as they should have, then the need and the cry of so-called hate crimes would not be needed.
I opposed hate crimes because it is a thought crime and nothing more, but we let the genie out of the bottle and now we'll suffer the over reach until it eats us up or a more rational conversation in this country takes place and past wrongs of exclusive language still on the books is stripped out.
All mankind are created equal is true and a worthy statement but added language to later water down that concept has to be dealt with. Until we are willing to get the eraser out, this conversation and problem goes nowhere but in circles and those capable of manipulation will be the only ones to benefit.