

Well-Known Member
I have no realized gains or losses on any of my investments. Thank you for following my finances. I'm happy to bring purpose to your life.


That chart looks like fun!

I hope you have a ski lift to get back up


Well-Known Member
It's better than some of the other alternatives
Got tired of the hamster wheel. I wanted a place to store my time. 5-10 years down the line pensioners will be in a lurch. I wanted control of my present and future. I didn’t understand $ till now. Is our $ unreliable? Does it really fail to help mankind? Are it’s days winding down? A: all yes….


Well-Known Member
Got tired of the hamster wheel. I wanted a place to store my time. 5-10 years down the line pensioners will be in a lurch. I wanted control of my present and future. I didn’t understand $ till now. Is our $ unreliable? Does it really fail to help mankind? Are it’s days winding down? A: all yes….


Well-Known Member
If there is someone you have to trust who is the head/president/ceo/cto/coo that person is there to take your $. The tokens they are selling you cost them nothing to create. 🌽 puts no trust in human beings. Cryptos do.