

Inordinately Right
He’s with hard $ don’t let his red hat fool you.


Well-Known Member
(Our job is to be last one standing Then capitulate)

I’m trying to understand your riddles. I am an educated man. I know what being the last one standing means. I know that “capitulate” means to give in.

So what the hell are you trying to say??

I get that you think Bitcoin is the only crypto worth owning…figured that out about 300 posts ago…who or what are you capitulating to??


Well-Known Member

I’m trying to understand your riddles. I am an educated man. I know what being the last one standing means. I know that “capitulate” means to give in.

So what the hell are you trying to say??

I get that you think Bitcoin is the only crypto worth owning…figured that out about 300 posts ago…who or what are you capitulating to??
Capitalize. Darn iphone 8 text to talk. Thank you.


Well-Known Member
The $ system is fading. The major countries know this. They are struggling to remain strongest man left. The economy has to dip hard without total crash. They have pushed property $ to its end. There is nowhere substantial to invest. In order to reboot the real estate money wheel, you have to shake people out. Proxy war is the great unlimited checkbook with no oversight. Some country is refreshing troop supplies for the long haul.


Well-Known Member
Coming your way. Get ready 2023. In order to transition you will need a catalyst.

(Of note: FedNow is not a blockchain-based product and it's not a central bank digital currency (CBDC). It still very much relies on third parties, to operate, for example.)

  • But — if it catches on — it would make money as we know it more competitive with cryptocurrencies, by lowering the cost to transact and providing low risk settlement around the clock.
  • "The shift to real-time payment infrastructure requires a focused effort, but the shift is inevitable," Brainard said.
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