

Well-Known Member
China hasn't figured out how sanctions, financial pressure (sabotage) and the application of military pressure which props up, and backs up the US dollar.

When China has military bases all over the world, dark sites near uncooperative countries, CIA meddling in all foreign governments, economic hitmen forcing the use of US dollars & loans or else, and occupying other countries with force for decades... Then when they outlaw a currency it will stay outlawed.

China isn't there, yet. And, they never will be, because WWIII would be instigated first... By us.
The battle is financial in origin which is actually transformative into hashrate. Conventional war is out of date and a media footnote . What you see now is the gasping equivalent of an ex jock reliving his HS football years. The next real war will be with mining rigs battling for hash rate supremacy. They do not want to tip you off so they want to make you feel guilty if you’re using Energy.


Inordinately Right
Lol. Study…. Cannot stop decentralized $. It is peer-to-peer. Remember Napster? Only reason it basically died was because it had quasi centralized servers accessible to inventor. Bitcoin has no CEO or servers , VC, media team… US is mining along with other countries, they just won’t tell you.
Buddy, the US government isn't going to prohibit Bitcoin use domestically.

But it's a little naive to think that they couldn't succeed at that through tax laws if they wanted to.


Well-Known Member
Buddy, the US government isn't going to prohibit Bitcoin use domestically.

But it's a little naive to think that they couldn't succeed at that through tax laws if they wanted to.
Hard to tax peer to peer. That is what they're afraid of. Everyone that is interested should look at these study tools. Your knowledge will expand even if you don’t know a thing.


Well-Known Member
Ask yourself What problem is crypto trying to solve?

Blockchains can only secure and enforce the transfer of their native token, NOTHING else. To protect a ledger's history in a trustless fashion, proof-of-work is required.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
@sailfish please tell me you are still holding. Next 2 years are about to be absolutely wild

999 millions assets to be published to the network in 2024-25. That is over 250 million dollars a year spent on publishings and paid out to node runners per year. It is about to be real lucrative to be a TRAC holder