When they tell all the white people to stand at the back of their rally that is racist.
When they say "black lives matter", they are implying that all white people think they don't matter.
If that isn't true, who are they informing that "black lives matter"?
They explain things like why Asians have surpassed other minorities in wealth by blaming white people for being racists! They say "white people don't see Asians as threatening!" I wonder why that could be?
It's called being a nice person.
Culture affects people to a much greater extent than race and unfortunately a dumb and violent culture has taken over the lower class of black America. Blacks in England don't act like blacks here. I've heard Africans from Africa use the N word against American blacks.The only times I've ever been in physical fights is with black youths who wanted to fight for no reason, literally zero provocations.
On the other hand every single Japanese person I have met is super polite and never has anything negative to say. Koreans are very nice people also. Mind you I am speaking of people who grew up in those countries and are culturally Japanese and there are racists in both those cultures too.
People of all races become like whatever class they are in when they move to America (example there are lower class hood hispanics, there are middle class that bust their ass work everyday hispanics (many who own small business's), and there are rich hispanics who act like other rich people do.