Botched vacation check


Well-Known Member
OK so I know a vacation scheduled one will prior results in a delayed paycheck because it wasn't legitimately schedule and my supervisor did say that there would be a lapse.
My question is: can a delayed vacation check make up for that week when no check arrives?
Thus there would be no interruption in my pay schedule?
Or does none of that have anything to do with each other?
I did ask for a week off long after the deadline but I don't foresee the future and things come up.
Is it possible they can pull a UPS and not pay me for that week?


Well-Known Member
That's really helpful Billy Rey Sirius.
Don't break my heart. Lol

Jeez give it up already. Y'all are more obsessed about that story than I am.
It's over three years old already.

And anyone who doesn't know who Kurt Cobain is might as well be a non existent entity.

Seriously though can they get away with not paying me?

Orion inc.

I like turtles
That's really helpful Billy Rey Sirius.
Don't break my heart. Lol

Jeez give it up already. Y'all are more obsessed about that story than I am.
It's over three years old already.

And anyone who doesn't know who Kurt Cobain is might as well be a non existent entity.

Seriously though can they get away with not paying me?

They're going to pay you in DQ gift cards next week


Well-Known Member
OK so I know a vacation scheduled one will prior results in a delayed paycheck

What does this even mean?

It means that's the tripe I was feed from my SUP because I asked only one week in advance for one week instead of using all two weeks
He said the check would be delayed.
It's been a whole day later than what he said.
Is it a qualification for ups supervisors to constantly point us in a wrong direction?
I read about grievances and such related to this topic but I get this awful feeling and I won't rat like I have no other way around accumulating money.
This instance however...... I'm just hoping that it's not HRs fault and my SUP will green check me.
But then there's that week without...


Well-Known Member
What DQ is saying is that he had to reschedule a vacation week at the last minute and is wondering if he will receive that paycheck on the Friday when he comes back to work.

The answer is yes.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
I'm at the DQ with your woman; text me when you get it sorted out.


That’s Craptacular
OK so I know a vacation scheduled one will prior results in a delayed paycheck because it wasn't legitimately schedule and my supervisor did say that there would be a lapse.
My question is: can a delayed vacation check make up for that week when no check arrives?
Thus there would be no interruption in my pay schedule?
Or does none of that have anything to do with each other?
I did ask for a week off long after the deadline but I don't foresee the future and things come up.
Is it possible they can pull a UPS and not pay me for that week?
You're talking about a vacation reschedule? You will receive your vacation check 2 weeks before the ORIGINAL week you chose back when you did your vacation picks, regardless of when you verbally rescheduled your vacation week. No it will not affect your paycheck schedule except that you will not receive any paycheck the week following your RESCHEDULED vacation week.
At least, that's how it works in my building. We can switch vacation weeks off with management approval, but will get paid for the weeks we originally chose back in November.

By The Book

Well-Known Member
OK so I know a vacation scheduled one will prior results in a delayed paycheck because it wasn't legitimately schedule and my supervisor did say that there would be a lapse.
My question is: can a delayed vacation check make up for that week when no check arrives?
Thus there would be no interruption in my pay schedule?
Or does none of that have anything to do with each other?
I did ask for a week off long after the deadline but I don't foresee the future and things come up.
Is it possible they can pull a UPS and not pay me for that week?
Please repost so it is very clear on what your questions are.


Well-Known Member
You're talking about a vacation reschedule? You will receive your vacation check 2 weeks before the ORIGINAL week you chose back when you did your vacation picks, regardless of when you verbally rescheduled your vacation week. No it will not affect your paycheck schedule except that you will not receive any paycheck the week following your RESCHEDULED vacation week.
At least, that's how it works in my building. We can switch vacation weeks off with management approval, but will get paid for the weeks we originally chose back in November.

He did a last minute reschedule.


Well-Known Member
Alrighty that answers that.
My next inquiry is : how come the number on my pay stub which reflects my vacation time hasn't decreased?
It should be at 20 but it says 40 still.
I'm vacationed out, so is it possible to just sell the remaining hours?