Build a mosque...

As if you wanna throw every islam/muslim into 1 big group.
Then you might as well do the same with westerners.
They shoot and kill their own presidents, do bombings such as bad (Oklahoma), kill eachother, have drugwars and gangs, etc.

And as if Christians had a good past history :
Public burning of "witches" hanging, guillitine, slavery, molesting little children, Ireland (bombings & killings), the list goes on and on.
Ignore the obvious if you want. Try to build up muslims if you want, but if you want to compare muslim extremists with Christians, please use just the extermist christians. You like to use stats a lot, find some on this topic to back up your claims that Christians & Muslims are the same. How bout the number of muslims that practice saria law vs. Christians that use any type of discipline even close to sharia law?
As far as I know Tim McVey never claimed he bombed the building in OK City in the name of Jesus. How many murders have been committed in the last year in the name of Islam?

Either you are amazingly stupid or you just like to fight with out thought.
IMO, it is wrong to edit what someone posted to try to prove YOUR point. It's kinda like telling a bald face lie, if you know what I mean. Plus by doing that you lose credibility.

To address your point: Is there any evidence that anyone from the whackO Westboro Baptist church ever beheaded anyone, or stoned anyone to death or even amputated even a finger in the name of God or Jesus? There is a HUGE difference in standing in one spot yelling and screaming and carrying signs and setting off a bomb.


Für Meno :)
Ignore the obvious if you want. Try to build up muslims if you want, but if you want to compare muslim extremists with Christians, please use just the extermist christians. You like to use stats a lot, find some on this topic to back up your claims that Christians & Muslims are the same. How bout the number of muslims that practice saria law vs. Christians that use any type of discipline even close to sharia law?
As far as I know Tim McVey never claimed he bombed the building in OK City in the name of Jesus. How many murders have been committed in the last year in the name of Islam?

Either you are amazingly stupid or you just like to fight with out thought.

So, the burning of witches by Christians and the Catholic church is ok, and nothing compared to stoning, ofcourse. !!!!?????


Für Meno :)
What century do you live in ?????

Ok, what about Northern Ireland, they did Bombings and killings, eventhough both sides believed in the same Bible !
That is the reason why I never got religiosly involved.
Living in Europe (Germany), as a teen and into my 20's, that was just too close to home, and those bombings/shootings/war was constantly on the news.

Even to this day, Belfast still has the big cement wall standing that seperates the city in half and prostestants on 1 side, catholics on the other.
(The wall does have a few openings).
And to this current day, they still live seperatly, because the memories are yet still fresh, and they ,ofcourse, don't feel compfy living among eachother.


golden ticket member
Honor killings and stonings happen TODAY, TODAY.....2011 !!! Honor killings have happened in my town.........burning a witch did not.

Islam, Sharia law, muslim......are intolerant of anyone but their own kind and we are the, now, not years ago..,,,present time, this very minute.......

So called responsible muslim heads of families, well to do, educated families , kill their families because a daughter might date someone outside their religion. They think it's perfectly OK and other extended family members will help them hide to avoid capture.


Für Meno :)
Honor deaths happen TODAY, TODAY.....2011 !!! Honor deaths have happened in my town.........burning a witch did not.

Jahova Witnesses....are intolerant of anyone but their own kind and we are the, now, not years ago..,,,present time, this very minute.......

So called responsible JW's heads of families, well to do, educated families , kill their families because a daughter might need a blood transfusion. They think it's perfectly OK and other extended family members will help and support them.

A little different, but with the same end-results.

And you should be ok with your own version, since they are just killing their own kind, right ?


Strength through joy
(AHN)- Somalian militant group al-Shabaab, which has links to Osama bin Laden’s al-Qaeda terror movement, has imposed strict new orders on refugee women currently living in the Afgoye corridor.
A female refugee, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, told a local radio station that women were ordered to wear full-length body coverings even when they are in the privacy of their own homes, adding that any one seen violating the edict would be punished.

now that could help with the female actors for our pilot show, we could over the life of the show constantly change the cast without anyone realizing it.
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A little different, but with the same end-results.

And you should be ok with your own version, since they are just killing their own kind, right ?
There is a huge difference in letting someone die and STONING them to death.
Not that I approve of either one. Also, there has been JWes sent to prison for child abuse from withholding medical treatment, under sharia's not only OK, it is the law. Even the more moderate muslims in the USA have stated that the USA should allow them to follow sharia law.

Your comparisons of the violence in Ireland is is like comparing apples to oranges, those battles were not about religion, they were about political control. The political parties were controlled by the two different religions, but the battles were over control of the government not because one was of a different religion.


Well-Known Member
With all the talk on stoning from the experts here, I found the wiki article on Stoning also very interesting.

Reading the article, it seems that stoning is most often used when it comes to so-called sexual related crimes of various types. Being that stoning is just one more form of capital punishment, I wonder if certain christian leaders and their followers got their away if these same crimes in stoning would in our nation get someone gassed, electrocuted, lethally injected, hung, shot and yes, maybe even stoned also.

Besides, the common practice of official state capital punishment seems to be beheadings. BTW: Kinda interesting what one learns when they read a little about beheadings too.
With all the talk on stoning from the experts here, I found the wiki article on Stoning also very interesting.

Reading the article, it seems that stoning is most often used when it comes to so-called sexual related crimes of various types. Being that stoning is just one more form of capital punishment, I wonder if certain christian leaders and their followers got their away if these same crimes in stoning would in our nation get someone gassed, electrocuted, lethally injected, hung, shot and yes, maybe even stoned also.

Besides, the common practice of official state capital punishment seems to be beheadings. BTW: Kinda interesting what one learns when they read a little about beheadings too.
There is a trial going on here in the US now where a mslim father beat his two teenage daughters because they were becoming too westernized. One died, the other nearly died. Sometimes Wiki is not the end all authority on a given subject, so I don't always bow to the articles there as 100% accurate.
I can't speak for Moreluck, but in using the term "stoning" I was referring to any kind of punishment that is brutal and likely deadly.

Also, to a strict muslim, a girl not wearing a full burka in public is considered a sex crime.


Für Meno :)
I'm sure you don't agree with ALL the strict catholic rules, from strict catholics.

As these few examples :
No sex before marriage
No sex for priests and no marriage
No consumption of meat on Fridays
No contraceptions allowed (condoms, pills, abortions)
No homosexuality

And , I'm certain people can add to this list, those are just a few that were instantly on my mind.


golden ticket member
I have a clip of an actual stoning of a young girl. It is awful. All the participants (men) have their faces covered so you don't know who they are. It's like a mob mentality.
I'm sure you don't agree with ALL the strict catholic rules, from strict catholics.

As these few examples :
No sex before marriage
No sex for priests and no marriage
No consumption of meat on Fridays
No contraceptions allowed (condoms, pills, abortions)
No homosexuality

And , I'm certain people can add to this list, those are just a few that were instantly on my mind.

Difference is, the Catholic Church doesn't beat anyone to death over these .....transgressions. What part of ....DIE, DEAD, DEATH, KILLED MURDERED, you not understand?

I can not for the life of me decide if you are being intentionally obtuse or if you are really that ignorant.


golden ticket member
it says this too....

Make war on the Unbelievers until idolatry is no more and Allah’s religions reigns supreme"