Ignore the obvious if you want. Try to build up muslims if you want, but if you want to compare muslim extremists with Christians, please use just the extermist christians. You like to use stats a lot, find some on this topic to back up your claims that Christians & Muslims are the same. How bout the number of muslims that practice saria law vs. Christians that use any type of discipline even close to sharia law?As if you wanna throw every islam/muslim into 1 big group.
Then you might as well do the same with westerners.
They shoot and kill their own presidents, do bombings such as bad (Oklahoma), kill eachother, have drugwars and gangs, etc.
And as if Christians had a good past history :
Public burning of "witches" hanging, guillitine, slavery, molesting little children, Ireland (bombings & killings), the list goes on and on.
As far as I know Tim McVey never claimed he bombed the building in OK City in the name of Jesus. How many murders have been committed in the last year in the name of Islam?
Either you are amazingly stupid or you just like to fight with out thought.