Build a mosque...


Long Time Member
Shouldn't the people that run the site be allowed to decide what can and cannot be posted? You could always start your own website and post whatever you want.

The reason I bring up Teamsternet is because there is ZERO moderation over there. You can post anything.

Sorry, I for one am sick of the complainers. We have one poster who talks down everyone, and then comes whining to the Mods whenever anyone calls him a mean name. Honestly, we've probably received 10 complaints from him every couple days. I think he should go to Teamsternet too.

Brown Cafe is an awesome site. If you don't like the rules, leave.

Sorry Man.. Too much something. Sugar / Caffeine / Alcohol....I dunno'.
You seem to be one of the "Good Guys" and I mean that sincerely and not butt kissing.
I guess you're right about who started the site.
I apologize and will be a good member of BC.
I cannot agreed to not go Off-Post as I live with rigid standards each and every day!!!


golden ticket member
1.) Patel's Poodle Cuts

2.) Omar's Open Pit Pork BBQ

3.) The Mosque

4.) Sahreef's Strip Emporium

5.) Habib's Homo Den & Bar

from the desk of the city planner!!


A jehova's witness temple should be built right next door. Within a year, all then of congregation of the mosque will be converted or the mosque will close shop so as not to be bothered anymore.


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Germany and the Real 9/11 Mosque

Mosques are riling the soul of the West. In Hamburg, the story is not about turf but terror. The Taiba Mosque was previously known as the Al-Quds Mosque. This is where Mohamed Atta, the mastermind of 9/11, hung out with other co-conspirators. This is where Imam Muhammad al-Fazazi used to preach venom and murder throughout the 1990s, opining that "Christians and Jews should have their throats cut." In 2003, a Spanish court gave this pious cleric 30 years for planning attacks on Jewish institutions in Morocco.

Fanaticism itself is no crime, nor is discoursing on Allah's will. As in the U.S., a hateful ideology is no ticket to prison. Authoritarians have no qualms about equating ideology and intention. But Western liberal democracy obeys due process and the concept of "innocent until proven guilty." Words, as Oliver Wendell Holmes famously wrote for the Supreme Court in 1919, have to "create a clear and present danger" to be criminal. In that respect, the Germans may have become more American than the Americans.

So watch for the next installment of this drama, when the mosque's board might take the city to court. The bet is that we'll hear a dialogue like this. Judge: "Show me the evidence." Government witness: "Sorry, sir, we can't compromise our sources." Shades of Guantanamo. Case dismissed.

It would have been smarter to keep the mosque open precisely because it has been such a convenient source of information, with those terror tourists coming, talking and going. As the spokesman said: "Intelligence work takes time." Actually, it never stops, and good intelligence has proven the West's best weapon in the war against terror.
To boot, these folks know their rights. When the police demanded entry, the caretaker literally showed them the finger. Instead of breaking down the door and cuffing the brute, the police called a locksmith. Hamburg's police nabbed the computers. It would have been more efficient to hack them.


Staff member
Fine , the government officials have no problem letting this be built, so be it. If a certain group of investors want to open a "Pig shack" restaurant in the same area with all dishes made of pork next door to the ,mosque, I hope that these same government officials would not listen to the owners of the mosque as they complain that the pig shack should not be in the same area as a mosque.

That's it !! I'm opening a dog groomers right next door !!

A strip club,especially a gay one,would also be an option if one were so inclined to open a business.
If you guys ever get a chance to visit ground zero, take a walk around in a 2 block radius and you'll find all that stuff and more already there. Walk into a business a block away and inform that they are working "on sacred ground". They'll probably look at you like you're nuts. The site itself is one thing, but two blocks away? It's lower Manhattan. This really is not that big a deal.


If you guys ever get a chance to visit ground zero, take a walk around in a 2 block radius and you'll find all that stuff and more already there. Walk into a business a block away and inform that they are working "on sacred ground". They'll probably look at you like you're nuts. The site itself is one thing, but two blocks away? It's lower Manhattan. This really is not that big a deal.

So then you should have no problem with my "Pig Shack" , the Best Pork In New York.


Staff member
So then you should have no problem with my "Pig Shack" , the Best Pork In New York.
You're not going to be opening any "Pig Shack", not least because you couldn't afford the rent. But if you did, no one (including me) would have a problem with it. In fact no one would care at all.


Well-Known Member
Of course the prez. would be in favor - he's a Muslim !

He dismisses the day of prayer, but has a Ramadan dinner ???? Ramadan my ass!

There are those who say that a mind is a terrible thing to waste.

I wonder if they feel the same way about a closed or narrow mind.

President Obama is supporting the building of the mosque not based upon his personal religious beliefs but on the premise of religious freedom for all. Wasn't America founded in part because of religious persecution in Europe? Let me make it clear that I do not agree with the decision to build the mosque in such close proximity to Ground Zero but this is not my call. If the developers own the property in question and there are no zoning issues than they should be free to do with it as they please. I do think it would be wise for SOHO Properties to heed the advice of NYC Mayor Bloomberg and look for property elsewhere.


golden ticket member
My mind at least is open to the fact of what our pres. is and not shut to the idea that he's a Messiah and gonna pay my mortgage!!
My mind at least is open to the fact of what our pres. is and not shut to the idea that he's a Messiah and gonna pay my mortgage!!

Could you list the religions along with your approval for them so that we could have an idea of what the president could be before you would approve/disapprove of him?

For example:
Muslim / disapprove (obviously from your posts)
Jew / ?
Christian / ?
Buddhist / ?
Canadian travel Agent / ?
etc / ?


Staff member
Could you list the religions along with your approval for them so that we could have an idea of what the president could be before you would approve/disapprove of him?

For example:
Muslim / disapprove (obviously from your posts)
Jew / ?
Christian / ?
Buddhist / ?
Canadian travel Agent / ?
etc / ?

I think "no religion" would be the best. Why in the world do we want someone who believes in magic who also has his finger on the nuclear trigger?


Staff member
I think "no religion" would be the best. Why in the world do we want someone who believes in magic who also has his finger on the nuclear trigger?
And before any important decision, he asks his imaginary friend what he should do. A little scary if you ask me :wink2: