Well-Known Member
The federal government should have no interest in this. I am not really sure what you are going to fabricate that my opinion is but you should have just come out with it. All I have said, and it really does not matter if you like it or not, it's the business of the local government and local community what gets built where in their community. The only restriction here would be that the city could not say that no mosque could be built but they have the right to say no church at all can be built at a specific location. You being a drama queen and trying to falsely claim that someone is being denied the right to practice their religion, while amusing, makes no sense and doesn't fit with what has happened here. If you truly think that cities cannot and do not change zoning ordinances you are living in a dream land.
What are you crying about now, the local city commision have spoke, the residents of manhattan have spoke (in favor), the farther away people are from ground zero, the more they want to dictate to Manhattanites there business. Using your logic, what's the problem here AV8. Are you for pressuring this community and strong-arming the will of the locals ?
On another note, typical Conservatives, believes in the Constitution in theory, but do they practise it ? There are trying to manipulate Amendment 14 because of Az, and now pressuring NYC's Manhattanites to not allow a religious learning center, who's in accordance to the law, their 1st Amendment rights....But, don't your dare dabble with the 2nd amendment are you'll have to pry that gun from our cold dead hands.
I can't wait until the nov election when all you dems get tossed out,you guys have destroyed this country ruined it reputation in the eyes of other nations.And now we have to bow down to the same religon that killed 3000 innocent victims just so we can say we like muslims. typical weak mined dems, that mosque should never be built these people hate this country there like a cancer that is spresding out of control.I want to see you try an open a church in iran or saudi arabia or iraq or kuwait or the united arab emirates or anywhere in the mideast.Just because we have freedom of religon in this counrty, alot of the muslim faith use that to there advantage, like for example most of the money funded to terrorist orgs. come from charitys setup by mosques that are run in this country so don't let them fool you they will do anything and everything to destroy this country.
Look here Rookie, you come on this site throwing verbal haymakers, pissing off the BC Administrators right off the bat, spewing your typically repeated hate filled, fear mongering, weak-ass republican talking points, of which gives you zero creditbility. So let's bring on Nov, put in historical perspective, it's well known that Party in charge loses seats during the mid-terms. But don't get your hopes up for a clean sweepor you'll be broken-hearted. Republicans keep nominating outlandishTeaParty Canidates who run from the mainstream media's mike, only to turn to Fox News for softball questions and endorsements.
I see you have selected memory. How convenient to dismiss that is was the previous Republicans that ruined this country almost to the point of another great Depression. What a joke your claim that this current Administration ruined the reputation of America in the eyes of other Nations when you know damm well it was the previous. Your gullibilty of peddling the same Rupert Murdoch garbage that's embedded in each of your posts, proves you the perfect target audience for Right Wing fear mongering hysteria. Stop being such a coward and a bigot of the American Muslim community. I guess it's hard when you listen to morons like Newt Gingrich compare the entire Muslim population to Nazis. And now you think by comparing Religous practises in our great Country to Middle Eastern Countries your making a valid point. Really ?
BTW...I may not be an excellent speller, but if I was to call someone weak mined, I'd be sure to spell minded correctly....
From now on, try to back up your fear-mongering claims, and maybe you'll lose the troll reputation....
Why would anyone want to build a mosque in a neighborhood that has no muslims living there ?
Baba...try 1.6 million people living in Manhattan, what evidence do you have to claim no Muslims live there.... Until you folks get over the idea planted in your head that this is not some Super-Mosque to destroy America, but a community/education Center with the two top floors dedicated to praying. Also remind your right wing websites this is not at ground zero, and can not be seen from Ground Zero, so eveybody can take a step back, swallow the facts an allow the community of lower manhattan handle this....