Build a mosque...


Well-Known Member
The federal government should have no interest in this. I am not really sure what you are going to fabricate that my opinion is but you should have just come out with it. All I have said, and it really does not matter if you like it or not, it's the business of the local government and local community what gets built where in their community. The only restriction here would be that the city could not say that no mosque could be built but they have the right to say no church at all can be built at a specific location. You being a drama queen and trying to falsely claim that someone is being denied the right to practice their religion, while amusing, makes no sense and doesn't fit with what has happened here. If you truly think that cities cannot and do not change zoning ordinances you are living in a dream land.

What are you crying about now, the local city commision have spoke, the residents of manhattan have spoke (in favor), the farther away people are from ground zero, the more they want to dictate to Manhattanites there business. Using your logic, what's the problem here AV8. Are you for pressuring this community and strong-arming the will of the locals ?

On another note, typical Conservatives, believes in the Constitution in theory, but do they practise it ? There are trying to manipulate Amendment 14 because of Az, and now pressuring NYC's Manhattanites to not allow a religious learning center, who's in accordance to the law, their 1st Amendment rights....But, don't your dare dabble with the 2nd amendment are you'll have to pry that gun from our cold dead hands.

I can't wait until the nov election when all you dems get tossed out,you guys have destroyed this country ruined it reputation in the eyes of other nations.And now we have to bow down to the same religon that killed 3000 innocent victims just so we can say we like muslims. typical weak mined dems, that mosque should never be built these people hate this country there like a cancer that is spresding out of control.I want to see you try an open a church in iran or saudi arabia or iraq or kuwait or the united arab emirates or anywhere in the mideast.Just because we have freedom of religon in this counrty, alot of the muslim faith use that to there advantage, like for example most of the money funded to terrorist orgs. come from charitys setup by mosques that are run in this country so don't let them fool you they will do anything and everything to destroy this country.

Look here Rookie, you come on this site throwing verbal haymakers, pissing off the BC Administrators right off the bat, spewing your typically repeated hate filled, fear mongering, weak-ass republican talking points, of which gives you zero creditbility. So let's bring on Nov, put in historical perspective, it's well known that Party in charge loses seats during the mid-terms. But don't get your hopes up for a clean sweepor you'll be broken-hearted. Republicans keep nominating outlandishTeaParty Canidates who run from the mainstream media's mike, only to turn to Fox News for softball questions and endorsements.

I see you have selected memory. How convenient to dismiss that is was the previous Republicans that ruined this country almost to the point of another great Depression. What a joke your claim that this current Administration ruined the reputation of America in the eyes of other Nations when you know damm well it was the previous. Your gullibilty of peddling the same Rupert Murdoch garbage that's embedded in each of your posts, proves you the perfect target audience for Right Wing fear mongering hysteria. Stop being such a coward and a bigot of the American Muslim community. I guess it's hard when you listen to morons like Newt Gingrich compare the entire Muslim population to Nazis. And now you think by comparing Religous practises in our great Country to Middle Eastern Countries your making a valid point. Really ?
BTW...I may not be an excellent speller, but if I was to call someone weak mined, I'd be sure to spell minded correctly....

From now on, try to back up your fear-mongering claims, and maybe you'll lose the troll reputation....

Why would anyone want to build a mosque in a neighborhood that has no muslims living there ?

Baba...try 1.6 million people living in Manhattan, what evidence do you have to claim no Muslims live there.... Until you folks get over the idea planted in your head that this is not some Super-Mosque to destroy America, but a community/education Center with the two top floors dedicated to praying. Also remind your right wing websites this is not at ground zero, and can not be seen from Ground Zero, so eveybody can take a step back, swallow the facts an allow the community of lower manhattan handle this....


Strength through joy
did someone get out of bed on the wrong side, diesel?
It's funny about the reports I've heard that the landing gear from one of the planes hitting the roof at this location, so I guess that would make it part of Ground Zero.
You claim that 1.6M live in Manhattan, are they all Muslim? And what about this...................
(Memri) – In an August 16, 2010 column in the London daily Al-Sharq Al-Awsat, ‘Abd Al-Rahman Al-Rashed, Al-Arabiya TV director-general and the paper’s former editor, criticized President Obama for supporting the construction of the Cordoba House mosque at Ground Zero in New York.
He stated that it would be unwise to construct a mosque at that location, saying that no practicing Muslims live in the area, ??


Well-Known Member
What are you crying about now, the local city commision have spoke, the residents of manhattan have spoke (in favor), the farther away people are from ground zero, the more they want to dictate to Manhattanites there business. Using your logic, what's the problem here AV8. Are you for pressuring this community and strong-arming the will of the locals ?

You really are having trouble keeping up aren't you? My only responses to this topic have been when people falsely claimed that the government could no keep someone for doing something with their property.

Just a few questions. If you live in Queens do you live in New York City? If you live in the Bronx do you live in New York City? What about Staten Island? Brooklyn?

Do you feel if the City of New York were going to sell Central Park that the people in Queens should have no say just because it is in Manhattan ? What if the City decided to give the Bronx Zoo to George Bush do you think that the people living in Staten Island should have no say?

Using your logic with this the citizens should have no say in their government. I find this very interesting since you so openly champion for a large and intrusive government. You've even claimed before that we should be governed by polls but now only the people that agree with you should have a say.


Well-Known Member
did someone get out of bed on the wrong side, diesel?
It's funny about the reports I've heard that the landing gear from one of the planes hitting the roof at this location, so I guess that would make it part of Ground Zero.
You claim that 1.6M live in Manhattan, are they all Muslim? And what about this...................
(Memri) – In an August 16, 2010 column in the London daily Al-Sharq Al-Awsat, ‘Abd Al-Rahman Al-Rashed, Al-Arabiya TV director-general and the paper’s former editor, criticized President Obama for supporting the construction of the Cordoba House mosque at Ground Zero in New York.
He stated that it would be unwise to construct a mosque at that location, saying that no practicing Muslims live in the area, ??

BaBa, Mass x Speed = Airplane parts and Twin Tower debris raining down on bldgs and rooftops throughout the general area. Does that make surrounding nieghborhoods 2 blocks away Hallowed Ground ? Hardly, ask the locals...and thanks for bringing us the London Daily to chime in on a local issue, that's like eagerly wanting a dimwit 1/2 Gov from Alaska's opinion.....

Whether or not that Center goes into that spot will not change your life one bit.
Here's a segment about the proposed /Community Center/mosque on Fox News O'Reily Show a year ago, and the conservative host didn't seemed to have a problem with it. She had more of a problem that her husband had said (a true statement) back in 2004. Why weren't the Fox Community all up in arms over back then ? it's in accurately nicknamed "The Ground Zero Mosque"


Well-Known Member
You really are having trouble keeping up aren't you? My only responses to this topic have been when people falsely claimed that the government could no keep someone for doing something with their property.

Just a few questions. If you live in Queens do you live in New York City? If you live in the Bronx do you live in New York City? What about Staten Island? Brooklyn?

Do you feel if the City of New York were going to sell Central Park that the people in Queens should have no say just because it is in Manhattan ? What if the City decided to give the Bronx Zoo to George Bush do you think that the people living in Staten Island should have no say?

Using your logic with this the citizens should have no say in their government. I find this very interesting since you so openly champion for a large and intrusive government. You've even claimed before that we should be governed by polls but now only the people that agree with you should have a say.

If you live within the close proximity of NYC, such as NJ or Conn, don't you live the Tri-State Area ? Oh well shouldn't they have a say using your logic ? What about the folks from Freeport to the tip of Montawk Long Island ? How about The Hudson Valley ? Hell the whole NorthEastern part of the United States should have a say at this....Sorry, they, along with the rest of the country just get an opinion, that's all...
Without getting into a pro/anti gov't debate let's stay focused at the issue at hand, shall we ?...
Ask any Native New Yorker where they're from, and 99 out of 100 will tell you what borough...unless of course they're visiting the South. Then, they have to spell it out to those folks down there...N Y C or Just watch the 1979 cult movie "The Warriors" ...boroughs are like soveriegn countries to those guys....
The NYC Council, made up with representatives of NYC's 5 boroughs, along with the Mayor gave the go ahead, in accordance to the local law and zoning codes, the property owner's legal right to build what he wants. Nobody has been denied the rights in this instance. I know you have a problem with zoning/building codes and regulations set forth by democratically elected leaders that form our Gov't, but deal with it. It's never going to change.
Let's not sugarcoat here, you are here defending the pitch fork carring angry mob from outside the borough of Manhattan demanding "a do over" or a "time out" of our most cherished pillar of the US constitution, the 1st amendment. You are breaking every code of honor you have been preaching to all of us in the past for adhereing to the Constitution and allowing state and local Gov't to handle their own affairs from the Feds. Now your splitting hairs with irrelavent hypothetical questions positioning your anti Gov't wants and needs, in favor for a distant mob rules mentality.
Am I having trouble keeping up ? Not in the least, especially when the Constitutionality of issues arise and Civil liberty injustices occur..... polls, sensitivity, emotions are not wieghed by the scales of Lady Liberty. Popularity does not precede the law of the land. If so, Blacks would still be second class citizens, and women would not have the right to vote or earn equal pay.

But you've said Fox news was either propaganda or always wrong.

So ironic, I'm using Fox News to prove a point, and you fail to back a local issue without the feds getting involved...Go figure


Strength through joy
Ailing 9/11 responders slam President Obama: Focus on Zadroga health bill, not Ground Zero mosque

BY Erin Einhorn, Adam Lisberg and Richard Sisk



Well-Known Member
Your a fake. You claim your stand is because of those lost on 9/11 but be honest. It`s just your target for now. The same way you would have targeted the Japaneses Americans during WWII, the blacks during pretty much anytime,the Jews, the gays,etc,etc,etc.
I'am not the fake here you are it's way to soon to build a house of hatred in lower manhatten it will never happen.tell you what why don't you pack your crap up and please move to the mideast apparently you favor killers,and murders.As far as me being a bigot,I despise anybody who is a terrorist foreign or domestic,both should be put to death for killing innocent victims,but apparently you have no problem letting them live in this country.


Well-Known Member
What are you crying about now, the local city commision have spoke, the residents of manhattan have spoke (in favor), the farther away people are from ground zero, the more they want to dictate to Manhattanites there business. Using your logic, what's the problem here AV8. Are you for pressuring this community and strong-arming the will of the locals ?

On another note, typical Conservatives, believes in the Constitution in theory, but do they practise it ? There are trying to manipulate Amendment 14 because of Az, and now pressuring NYC's Manhattanites to not allow a religious learning center, who's in accordance to the law, their 1st Amendment rights....But, don't your dare dabble with the 2nd amendment are you'll have to pry that gun from our cold dead hands.

Look here Rookie, you come on this site throwing verbal haymakers, pissing off the BC Administrators right off the bat, spewing your typically repeated hate filled, fear mongering, weak-ass republican talking points, of which gives you zero creditbility. So let's bring on Nov, put in historical perspective, it's well known that Party in charge loses seats during the mid-terms. But don't get your hopes up for a clean sweepor you'll be broken-hearted. Republicans keep nominating outlandishTeaParty Canidates who run from the mainstream media's mike, only to turn to Fox News for softball questions and endorsements.

I see you have selected memory. How convenient to dismiss that is was the previous Republicans that ruined this country almost to the point of another great Depression. What a joke your claim that this current Administration ruined the reputation of America in the eyes of other Nations when you know damm well it was the previous. Your gullibilty of peddling the same Rupert Murdoch garbage that's embedded in each of your posts, proves you the perfect target audience for Right Wing fear mongering hysteria. Stop being such a coward and a bigot of the American Muslim community. I guess it's hard when you listen to morons like Newt Gingrich compare the entire Muslim population to Nazis. And now you think by comparing Religous practises in our great Country to Middle Eastern Countries your making a valid point. Really ?
BTW...I may not be an excellent speller, but if I was to call someone weak mined, I'd be sure to spell minded correctly....

From now on, try to back up your fear-mongering claims, and maybe you'll lose the troll reputation....

Baba...try 1.6 million people living in Manhattan, what evidence do you have to claim no Muslims live there.... Until you folks get over the idea planted in your head that this is not some Super-Mosque to destroy America, but a community/education Center with the two top floors dedicated to praying. Also remind your right wing websites this is not at ground zero, and can not be seen from Ground Zero, so eveybody can take a step back, swallow the facts an allow the community of lower manhattan handle this....

Maybe a rookie but I'am right our soon to be one term president has spent this country into debt.He is the worst president since jimmy carter,he is an embrassment to this country.That house of horror will never be built It's a slap in the face to the victims that died there.And where do you think they are getting the funding from? SAUDI ARABIA the same place where the 15 coward terrorist that hijacked those planes and killed over 3000 americans. These people only care about one thing killing as many americans as they can,they are born and bread to belive this.So if you belive they are all innocent then please by all means move to the mideast and convert to islam.


Well-Known Member
:dissapointed:We have really hit a low point in our great country.
I am from NYC --I know people that have lost their lives on September 11th --My Sister stood across the street from the towers as bodies hit the pavement as people jumped from the buildings.

To the Liberals who state that this Mosque being built is totally legal under our Constitution ---you are correct on that ---but are missing the key point.

If Islam wants to reach out the Mosque will not be built anywhere near ground zero------ it is just disrespect to the surviving family members.
Also the original name of the mosque project --represented an Islam victory in Spain ---thats real tolerant.

In this "reach out" Mosque --How many Jews or Gays will be allowed to "reach out" Are they Tolerant ???

The left wants to take God off of our Coins, out of the pledge, Banned from public view on our most sacred holidays yet now demand religious tolerance.

On a legal point where the 100 million dollars is coming from should be investigated-------NANCY PELOSI ---instead wants to investigate the funding of anyone who truly feels in their hearts --that this sacred area should not have a Mosque built there ????? I never thought the libs would be so far out of touch with the will of the people---except of course for Harry Reid who is in a tight election and disagees with the Mosque building ---I wonder if Pelosi will investigate Reid's funding ????? Liberal Phonies !!!!! :sad-little:


Strength through joy
PANAMA CITY, Fla. (AP)– A Republican U.S. House candidate in the Florida Panhandle has told a group of middle and high school students that Islam “is against everything America stands for.”
Some applauded after Ron McNeil’s comment Tuesday at a candidate forum for students in Panama City, but one student challenged McNeil’s comments.
McNeil then said Islam’s “plan is to destroy our way of life.”
The exchange began when McNeil voiced opposition to a proposed Islamic center, including a mosque, two blocks from the World Trade Center site.
McNeil said if it’s built, it should be “nine stories underground, so we can walk above it as citizens and Christians.”


Well-Known Member
If you live within the close proximity of NYC, such as NJ or Conn, don't you live the Tri-State Area ? Oh well shouldn't they have a say using your logic ?

So let me get this straight. You are saying living inside the city and living outside the city are the same thing but living inside the city and living inside the city are two different things. Come on I would hope you could do better than that.

Using your logic if I got two neighbors together we could opt out of any government law or mandate or rule we wanted. Hate to break it to you but that is not the way things work.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I think some people should just shut up. How many people today, actually cares what Obama says. Its like if he likes it, it must be wrong, the polls show even the supporters are caving. Sometimes its better to remain silent than be thought a fool.


Staff member
I think some people should just shut up. How many people today, actually cares what Obama says. Its like if he likes it, it must be wrong, the polls show even the supporters are caving. Sometimes its better to remain silent than be thought a fool.

He is sooooo out of his depth.


Long Time Member
Personally...I don't care about Rights or Restictions. Building anything close or associated with "Ground Zero" or that patch in Pennsylvania is "INAPPROPRIATE".

I don't want anyone arguing with me; that's my opinion!!!