How are we going to have less government, less corruption with more taxes in our new administration? I'm willing to give Obama a chance. But raising taxes has never helped anything. And to do all the things Obama wants to do he will have to raise taxes on busineses as well.Do you think the busineses are going to eat those taxes or pass them onto the consumer?...In -quiring minds want to know..
Ok, this one I have to take on!
Gas, amazingly, you post some interesting points in your thread ( a first )
But, where were YOU when Ronald Reagan raised the corporate taxes to the highest levels of the time? Where were you when Ronald Reagan imposed the highest capital gains taxes on corporations? Where were you when Ronald Reagan raised the gasoline taxes to the highest levels of the time?
Ronald Reagan raised taxes on everyone over 7 times during his administration, yet the country still continued.
20 years later, the country is faced with raising taxes again to pay for republican irresponsibility. A right wing kook bent on wars and deficit spending like his father and his mentor Reagan and the nation is in a near depression.
Now you want to critizise OBAMA for raising taxes to help save this country from melting down?
Get serious.
The american public gave the republicans 12 years to control the country and they failed.
It will be a long time before they ever SEE POWER again.
Brett spoke of a pedulum, but that pedulum is being used to sever the head of republican leadership for years to come.
If you meant what you posted, then you would have to believe Ronald Reagan was a failure.
He was, but you would have to accept the premise given your position.