BUSH and the "other shoe"! LMAO

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
How are we going to have less government, less corruption with more taxes in our new administration? I'm willing to give Obama a chance. But raising taxes has never helped anything. And to do all the things Obama wants to do he will have to raise taxes on busineses as well.Do you think the busineses are going to eat those taxes or pass them onto the consumer?...In -quiring minds want to know..

Ok, this one I have to take on!

Gas, amazingly, you post some interesting points in your thread ( a first )

But, where were YOU when Ronald Reagan raised the corporate taxes to the highest levels of the time? Where were you when Ronald Reagan imposed the highest capital gains taxes on corporations? Where were you when Ronald Reagan raised the gasoline taxes to the highest levels of the time?

Ronald Reagan raised taxes on everyone over 7 times during his administration, yet the country still continued.

20 years later, the country is faced with raising taxes again to pay for republican irresponsibility. A right wing kook bent on wars and deficit spending like his father and his mentor Reagan and the nation is in a near depression.

Now you want to critizise OBAMA for raising taxes to help save this country from melting down?

Get serious.

The american public gave the republicans 12 years to control the country and they failed.

It will be a long time before they ever SEE POWER again.

Brett spoke of a pedulum, but that pedulum is being used to sever the head of republican leadership for years to come.

If you meant what you posted, then you would have to believe Ronald Reagan was a failure.

He was, but you would have to accept the premise given your position.:dead:


Strength through joy
where do you keep getting " 12 years " from ?
Are you including the last four years of Clinton's added to Bush's eight years ?

And since your idol has stated that he wants 850 billion to revive the economy just where is that money coming from ?

Look out people where are heading for some serious INFLATION very soon.


Camel Jockey......So were spending nearly a trillion dollars to liberate camel jockeys ?......Nice reference
Oh God forbid I get all "unpolitically correct" on you. OH MY booo hoooo.
The smugness is getting deep in here. Any one have some Sh** waders?


Well-Known Member
Oh God forbid I get all "unpolitically correct" on you. OH MY booo hoooo.
The smugness is getting deep in here. Any one have some Sh** waders?

At least if they are held in the middle east. What a bunch of savages.

Yeah, but the camel jockey missed from 10 feet away.

We are the liberators of Camel jockeys and Savages.....Chev, you ought to be appointed Iraq Ambassador, but only on the premise that you wear your Gander Mtn :censored2: Waders when visiting there...


We are the liberators of Camel jockeys and Savages.....Chev, you ought to be appointed Iraq Ambassador, but only on the premise that you wear your Gander Mtn :censored2: Waders when visiting there...
Only the best, but I will leave that office for you. Or maybe ministry of Bush bashers. :happy-very: The office tends to suit you and Tosser a bit better.


Well-Known Member
Ok, this one I have to take on!

Gas, amazingly, you post some interesting points in your thread ( a first )

But, where were YOU when Ronald Reagan raised the corporate taxes to the highest levels of the time? Where were you when Ronald Reagan imposed the highest capital gains taxes on corporations? Where were you when Ronald Reagan raised the gasoline taxes to the highest levels of the time?

Ronald Reagan raised taxes on everyone over 7 times during his administration, yet the country still continued.

20 years later, the country is faced with raising taxes again to pay for republican irresponsibility. A right wing kook bent on wars and deficit spending like his father and his mentor Reagan and the nation is in a near depression.

Now you want to critizise OBAMA for raising taxes to help save this country from melting down?

Get serious.

The american public gave the republicans 12 years to control the country and they failed.

It will be a long time before they ever SEE POWER again.

Brett spoke of a pedulum, but that pedulum is being used to sever the head of republican leadership for years to come.

If you meant what you posted, then you would have to believe Ronald Reagan was a failure.

He was, but you would have to accept the premise given your position.:dead:

Like Lincoln and TR, republicans love to wrap mythology around their icons and democrats do so equally well so it's a bit more human nature than a specific party trait. It's a disease in which we all suffer to be honest.

As a huge supporter of Reagan in 1980' and someone who worked in his campaign locally, the Reagan running for election sounded more similar to a Ron Paul but once elected turned into a more total opposite in truth. The wind that toppled that straw house for me was the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982 otherwise known as TEFRA.
It went full scale when in 1986' we got a new Tax Code replacing the 1954' model instead of scrapping the income tax entirely as Reagan so often preached before he got elected. Watch closely Obamites as you learn your own hard lessons in the months and years ahead.

To make matters worse, Reagan didn't begin the process of using debt borrowing but his adminstration began an acceleration of federal debt in which the gov't began using debt borrowing to expand gov't rather than just using taxation alone. Gov't expansion becomes complicated when the people are given a tax bill to fund it so other means were needed and thanks to Nixon they got one! Reagan and all adminstrations afterward used the hidden tax of inflation http://www.lewrockwell.com/paul/paul334.html as the money supply increased to re-balance the debt to GDP ratio. This is also where the popular Keynesian ideal of comparing debt to GDP as a means to justify the debt levels began it's most common form of life.

No one ever questions the debt increase to the money supply which causes the value of goods and services measured in GDP to go up as well so sure the ratio will always look manageable after a time. Our debt looks bad now but when things do start to turn, massive inflation will kick in, the value of our dollar will much further decline but hey the debt to GDP ratio will look good again. You UPS managers who scream we hourlies make to much get ready because not only will we be hitting the trough come contract time but the double whammy is so will you all because of federal debt borrowing and inflation, the hidden tax.

There were many bad things about Jimmy Carter and those who knew him as Georgia Governor also knew the Presidency was not a place for him. That said however, Jimmy took the White House from a republican adminstration that in it's own day was as equally socialist as the current outgoing republican adminstration. Nixon not only closed the gold window for good and killed Bretton Woods in the process, a move done which in turned opened the door to literally unlimited gov't borrowing for that point forward. We can thank a republican for our debt mess. But Nixon also imposed a wage and price freeze that ran for about 3 years http://www.econreview.com/events/wageprice1971b.htm and as we've seen with housing and borrowing of recent, when you falsely intervene in the market, you create bubbles that take years later to begin to show up as busts and reek havoc on economies. Carter made many of his own mistakes and proposed idiotic economic ideas to compound a already bad situation but truth is much of Carter's ills were in fact created by Nixon and a republican party. Reagan's one right move coming in was to reverse Carter's with oil and de-regulate (not true de-regulation in the laissez fiare sense) the oil and gas industry. If anything that was behind the supposed economic boom of the Reagan years, this was a key element to it.

Watching Bush's market interventions reminds me so much of Nixon and I have to wonder watching Obama, will he be a replay of Jimmy Carter? Carter made the mistake of chasing Nixon's nightmare with more interventions making matters worse and from the looks of things now, I just see another repeat of history just 40 years later. What we youth in my day protested and screamed against in the actions of our fathers, we turn around and do the very same thing ourselves. Brings to mind the old proverb about the sins of the father visiting the following generations!

I've no illusion that Obama will somehow by magic make life in America wonderful and great again. My belief is just the opposite but not because he's a democrat but like Carter after Nixon, Obama will chase Bush's nightmare by trying to impose his own interventions making the problem worse or worse still, temporarily mask the problem with a false boom only to have it reappear worse later. In many respects Reagan and Clinton in the history of things will be seen more as a false boom as the hand of gov't was able to mask the problem for a time and now we see the effects to a degree much worse from all the intervention. Bush is so bad even the liberal/progressives (the supposed socialist/commies among us)who champion Obama are condemning socialism and to our "shock and awe" waxing for the days of Adam Smith and the true laissez fiare ideals!
Repubicans abandoned the ideals of Adam Smith long, long ago.

The myth is that only democrats are socialist but the facts speak much louder that in truth republicans are as well. Folks like Bill Kristol and Max Boot only point out the obvious of this fact and even go so far as Max basically put it, there's no difference between liberals and conservatives anymore. They are the same thing and the proof and admission from the so-called otherside is Obama's appointments that spell literally no change at all. The beltway crowd knows the truth and now admit it but the rest of us suckers are left holding the illusion. Time to bust that mythology once and for all.


Well-Known Member
Now this is funny.

BAGHDAD (AP) - A spokesman for Iraq's prime minister says the journalist who threw his shoes at President George W. Bush has asked for a pardon.
Spokesman Yassin Majid says that in a letter sent Thursday to Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki the journalist described his behavior as "an ugly act" and asked to be pardoned.

Majid says that Muntadhar al-Zeidi in the letter recalls the kindness the prime minister once showed him during an interview in 2005 and asked for al-Maliki to show him kindness once again.

Al-Zeidi, a correspondent for an Iraqi-owned television station based in Cairo, Egypt, could face two years imprisonment for insulting a foreign leader.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Yeah, but the camel jockey missed from 10 feet away. What a maroon!(as bugs bunny would say):laughing:
Good thing he didn't have three feet. He might have finally got him.

TOS you really need to get a life. This kind of crap is not funny in the least, no matter who the leader is. I would have been insulted if that was Gore,Clinton, or even your messiah Obama being attacked and I can't stand any of them. This is not only an attack on PRESIDENT Bush. It is an attack on the American people. It is a huge insult and I hope this turd has cat crap thrown at him and is hung for stinking.

I could not of said it any better!

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
BrownDevil......It's a conservative hang-up, it's all about labels, and sterotypes. I happen to favor the geographical landscape up there and it's nothing political, but you know what, don't lose any sleep over what they think, who cares. Right wingers are all about disrepecting a region of our country cause conservative sources tells them to.
Dies - you lack credibility in most of what you say. You twist words to make them fit your attacks. Kind of like making a square peg fit in a round hole. But I do admit you are good at that!

Example above - You said you never put a label on me??? What is the above statement ... a poem?

As I told you in another thread sometime ago.... you are so far left every one to your right is a "right wing" conservative!

In a separate post, you stated I supported BO and spoke out of both sides of my mouth because I haven't said anything good about him. I never said I supported him. I said I accepted him.... big difference. He will have to earn my support and respect over time. Appointments mean nothing until actions are implemented and results and real positive trends are seen and felt across America.

Trash someone's home town??? WOW! OK! Let's try if I can make sense of this. By the way "trash someone's home town" are your words not mine. I used a nickname that most San Francisco natives don't like to hear...."Frisco".
Trash = San Francisco; San Francisco = Liberal; Liberal = Trash! OK!! I get it ... Trash = Liberals!

Alright! I am with you on that one. I understand what you are saying about liberals now! Though I am SURPRISED you would equate the two.

Chev's post to TOS equates my feeling on the attack of OUR president better than I stated it. You just don't get it! Disrespect for the Office of the President is un-American and unpatriotic.... no matter who is in office or what you personally feel about that person! But I wouldn't expect someone like you to understand this concept..... especially if they are not a Democrat.

You and TOS have made it very clear that America should be a one-party system - controlled by liberal and ultra liberal democrats.

I do get it!

Have a left day! :thunderstorm:
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Well-Known Member
Dies - you lack credibility in most of what you say. You twist words to make them fit your attacks. Kind of like making a square peg fit in a round hole.

Relax, partner, I have simply drilled holes in the square peg statements that you make.

Example above - You said you never put a label on me??? What is the above statement ... a poem?

The poem is about Conservatives....I thought you told me your a moderate....lol

As I told you in another thread sometime ago.... you are so far left every one to your right is a "right wing" conservative!

I'm not as far left as you always falsely accuse me of, lets just say I'm anti-individuals that are; far right wing-neo con-corperate loving-republi-cons who fantasize of being more patriotic than their neighbor. But that shouldn't bother you, because now your a moderate...lol

In a separate post, you stated I supported BO and spoke out of both sides of my mouth because I haven't said anything good about him. I never said I supported him. I said I accepted him.... big difference. He will have to earn my support and respect over time. Appointments mean nothing until actions are implemented and results and real positive trends are seen and felt across America.

Your more than moderate support and respect of Team Bush and the hijacked republican idealogy , doesn't say alot about your credibility as well IMO, i'm sure Team Obama, won't lose any sleep over the needy-ness of your support and respect.

Trash someone's home town??? WOW! OK! Let's try if I can make sense of this.
Trash = San Francisco; San Francisco = Liberal; Liberal = Trash! OK!! I get it ... Trash = Liberals!

Alright! I am with you on that one. I understand what you are saying about liberals now! Though I am surprised you would equate the two.

I suppose if I respond to this, you will consider me attacking you. I'll allow you to sink your own boat. Your true (so called) moderate colors :rofl: are seperating like oil and vinegar.

Chev's post to TOS equates my feeling on the attack of OUR president better than I stated it. You just don't get it! Disrespect for the Office of the President is un-American and unpatriotic.... no matter who is in office or what you personally feel about that person! But I wouldn't expect someone like you to understand this concept..... especially if they are not a Democrat.

What you don't get is ;
A) Classifying this as an attack.....like life or death? Please drama queen, my sister threw shoes at me with high heels, and we still love each.
B) Disrepect, by The Office of the President AGAINST the will of the American people is acceptable to you.
Reminder, the Gov't works for us, not the other way around. The people expect our Gov't to act accordingly to our constitution.

You and TOS have made it very clear that America should be a one-party system - controlled by liberal and ultra liberal democrats.

I do get it!

Have a left day! :thunderstorm:

No, you don't get it. Bunching up critics of GW Bush and company as one in the same, senses one has a inferiorty complex. You have four years to get your party together and back on track. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
:happy-very: @ the video.

Curly, the greatest of the Stooges IMO.

In muslim world, showing your shoe soul to someone is a sign of extreme disrespect and throwing your shoe is of an even greater disrespect. Among Palestinians, there was talk of doing the same to Condi Rice as she is not very respected there either but I guess no one was ever brave enough to step up.

In the west, we'd shoot someone the bird or tell them to go "friend" off to disrespect them and to toss a shoe would be considered purely as a weak attempt at some physical assault if not a waste of a good shoe. Although obviously not equal in terms of impact, like the symbolism of the attack on the World Trade Center, NY itself & the Pentagon using planes with the names "United" & "American" so among the muslim world does this have symbology.

We may not get it and I'm sure of that, the message in the muslim world was loud and clear.
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