I'm the same way as you. I've got plans for next year's vacation, we're even planning a very large vacation in a couple of years as I plan to take about 4 weeks vacation, rent a motorhome and go see America with my kids. Had a meeting the other week with an investment specialist to map out some investment moves as I turn 49' next month and I moving towards a retirement way of thinking. My daughters are musicians and we went this pass weekend to look at home studio gear as they are writting and starting to record their own music.
The point is I do believe we all should focus and plan on the positive in our lives but I also think is important to give thought as all aspects of life, even the stuff that is uncomfortable and not really all that fun or pleasant. Freedom and Individual liberty are gifts we got only by the grace of God that allowed our births in this country. America by no stretch is perfect at all because it is made up by a race of being that by nature are not perfect. We can do some marvelous and wonderous things but we are also capable of unspeakable evils too just as an other human being in any other country is capable of.
Many of the founding fathers spoke of the great gift of freedom we have but also the need to be eternally vigilant in order to protect it. You mentioned Rome and must like America Rome, Greece, Assryia, Babylon, Egypt, and Sumeria, the great empires of mankind, all started off in various forms as great achievements for mankind and in many respects for their day provided a wonderful lifestyle for the citizens who made up their ruling class of peoples. However, they all in time fell as the people became less vigilant and became absorbed in their own vices.
As I read about the great empires history sez outter forces overthrew them which is true but they really fell from within, weakened by the fact that their war machine over time had enslaved numerous peoples but those numbers built up over time and the cultural pressures, their form of diversity, began to erode the very thing that made them great in the first place. As the culture fragmented and divided, the people lost all purchase and vigilence and finally like mighty Rome a ban of Germanic tribesmen were able to finally overthrow what was left.
We are in the state of societal divisions and to the various peoples coming here our histories are unimportant because they see us as not granting them importance. IMO, until the core peoples that make up the bloodstock of America, and the bloodstock is across many peoples, began to ignore Washington and once again focus on family and local community then the weakness will continue and like Rome so to will America fall by the wayside.
Tie, you may continue to live with rose colored glasses on at all times as at this time you can do that here but at some point looking at the past,understanding it and asking what if is necessary in order to go forward. JMHO.
BTW: We all wear rose colored glasses at some point and it's human nature to want to wear them all the time.