Iraq was just about pacified, and a new government (democratic) was formed.
Then Obama was elected president.
Then Iraq fell to pieces.
Iraq rest squarely on the narrow shoulders of Obama.
Iraq needed more help to get on it's feet, before we turned tail and ran.
At least G. W. knew that if we broke it, we bought it.
First of all genius, All BUSH did, was ruin a country, remove its leader and the political party behind it, then turn the country over to a SHIA/leader who sided with IRAN (our enemy) and the country fell apart as that leader systematically began brutalizing SUNNIS with death squads.
There was no democracy established in IRAQ, just a changing of the guard to a more brutal leader with IRANIAN support.
Of course, you wouldnt know that outside of waving your flag around.
And for BUSH knowing anything, he didnt understand the concept that IRAQ would be destroyed for decades if we invaded even as COLIN POWELL TOLD him "if we break it we bought it"
Please dont try an attribute that phrase to BUSH.
Watch this video and try to refresh your memory. BUSH and CHENEY knew the middle east would fall apart after invading, and that would lead to the buildup of the US MiLITARY and the spending of trillions of dollars on defense contractors.
Dont be a people.