A nice place to put the 2 blues would be in a custom box ( not metal ) in the bed , close to the cab .
The custom box would run the width of the bed and be color coded to match the bed , so it would look like a raised step . I'd mount the batteries as close to the center line as possible to balance the extra weight added . The wires could be run out of the bed and under the cab without being seen .
The extra space created in the custom battery box could be used as storage .
Actually looking at the bed also but on the right side near the wheel well cab side. This weight acts to counterbalance with the fuel tank (left side of truck plus skid plate) albeit with 38 gallons the fuel still has the winning edge. One consideration is to build a deck system between the wheel wells and the space behind the cab wheel well high. On the right side install a water bladder (potable water storage) and then mount the batteries more towards the center along with all the power management system such a switches, fuses, inverter, etc. Left side could be general storage area. The rear section of the bed could be pullout areas for stove, refrigerator other storage.
As for power management/batteries, the guys at Overland Expedition have the general idea of what I want to follow.
As for the bed structure, something along this line is what I was thinking. The batteries and power management are might regular special considerations but the rest would be fairly straight forward. And being I already have a pretty extensive woodshop, this construction would be a piece of cake. Besides, I'm needing an excuse for a Festool Track Saw so my motives aren't exactly pure!
Another option requires even less from the truck bed but you outfit a small enclosed cargo trailer. My only demand should we take the trailer route is I would want to cut out the rigid axle/leaf spring suspension and install a trailing arm suspension as this would allow more suspension travel for off road. And I can do that too as all you need is a good welder and some geometry. The trailer option leaves the truck more in a normal configuration or limits the modifications so that removal is much easier. You could still place the batteries in the trailer and wire the truck and trailer to charge those batteries and even include a small generator in the trailer. You could also mount solar panels on the trailer roof or attach a telescoping tower and pop on a 400 watt wind generator as it only weighs 19 lbs. Since we want to use this mostly in the winter months when we have typical constant winds, this might be a good option to consider.