By Invitation Only


nowhere special


Fight the power.
They already do! My daughter steals change out my truck and off my dresser because I told her we need a lot of money to go back to Disney. She puts it in her piggy bank and says she's saving to go back.
my daughter always begs to help me "clean out my car" she searches like crazy for change cause she knows I will let her keep it. She is saving up to buy an Apple Watch she says. Lol. She has like $140 in her piggy bank she has saved up.


Fugitive From Reality
Yesterday was a bad day to blow out the crotch of my pants. Cold a friend, and the wife declined my offer of cold beans for suppah. Reeeejected~


Fugitive From Reality
You going next week? Holy smokes, all the schools are off...-total disaster going to the huge crowd that will be Orlando!

I-95 will be bumper to bumper all night long!
We always took the kids the last week of August. Most schools were back in session already. No lines.