By Invitation Only


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.

Funny. I know I was a cocky SOB back in my day but I always mumbled to myself something along the lines of "you better not throw that weak ass :censored2: up here to me. I'll crush it so hard you'll wish you never threw me anything close."


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
With all due respect this is about the worst advice that you could have given.

The ideal is to protect your assets before going in. How do you do that? Transfer anything and everything you have to a trusted family member at least 5 years before you anticipate having to go in to a nursing home or assisted living center.
Doesn't sound like he has 5 years?


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Intentional walks, courtesy runners and stealing bases are the first three that come to mind.
Mine would be more along the lines of moving bases fences and pitching rubber back.

Bases more than anything. Women are much better athletes now. You have to rush way too much if a girl is fast. It creates errors.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
[QUOTE="Brownslave688, ]

"Funny. I know I was a cocky SOB"

I've mellowed a little but get a few beers in me and challenge me to a game of washers or darts or beer pong and you're right. I'll talk :censored2: til you wish you'd never asked me to play.

Most of my friends won't play recreational sports against me anymore.


Victory Ride
I've mellowed a little but get a few beers in me and challenge me to a game of washers or darts or beer pong and you're right. I'll talk :censored2: til you wish you'd never asked me to play.

Most of my friends won't play recreational sports against me anymore.
friend this washer Bs ... I play horseshoes