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Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Can I ask y'all a stupid question? If someone accidentally puts about half a cup of motor oil in the radiator will it cause any damage? No, it wasn't me. Lol.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Did everyone become "country" all of a sudden?

That happened when people out here discovered Florida Georgia Line. They were all of a sudden country even though their parents were investment bankers and they lived in the suburbs.
I'm from a rural area but cowboy hats and wranglers have never been it attire in high school. For a few years at the height of Garth they were.


nowhere special
A lot of people did. Funny thing, there is an actual rodeo about 15 minutes from my house. Salem county, close to Delaware. They have real cowboys down there. Such a strange state I live in.


Just a turd
Can I ask y'all a stupid question? If someone accidentally puts about half a cup of motor oil in the radiator will it cause any damage? No, it wasn't me. Lol.
Eventually the will have to remove it. Had a mechanic at work do it in a feeder. The Saturday mechanic was mad because he had to replace all the lines to get it out, but they ran it for awhile