By Invitation Only


Well-Known Member
It did always taste like it was from a hose though....just sayin.

Yeah but it was cold and that's all we really cared about.

We have several natural fresh water springs locally. The state came in, drilled a hole in the rock, inserted a pipe and put a spigot on the end so that people could fill up their empty milk jugs or other containers.

They came back a few years ago and hung signs saying that the water is not tested and that users drink it at their own risk.


Well-Known Member
The part that really sucks about going back to work after a vacation is having to shave off the vacation beard.

I am off for 3 weeks in a row in mid August. I wonder if I can challenge the boys from Duck Dynasty.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns

Over 70

Well-Known Member
Post preload meal. Sliced pork off the smoker yesterday on homemade bread and topped with my homemade kraut I make every October when local cabbage comes in.

I used to always pull pork but I've been digging sliced or chopped more lately. Fry up the slices in a pan and they're as good as off the smoker.




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