BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
My lawn looks like this: I would die!Dog be looking for a different place to stay

My lawn looks like this: I would die!Dog be looking for a different place to stay
My lawn looks like this: I would die!
I know. I went heavy with the urea and water and it took off on me. The blades are old.Better sharpen those blades your tearing not cutting
I know. I went heavy with the urea and water and it took off on me. The blades are old.
That's a mix of Midnight II, Prosperity, Diva, and Boutique. Three years old now.Better sharpen those blades your tearing not cutting
I need a new mower.I thought you were better than that
I know. I went heavy with the urea and water and it took off on me. The blades are old.
That's a mix of Midnight II, Prosperity, Diva, and Boutique. Three years old now.
I need a new mower.
They got some really good TTTF stuff out there now. Bullseye for one.Nice I’ve got Rebel
HondaWhat kind you gonna get
You in the transition zone?Nice I’ve got Rebel
You in the transition zone?
You ever get fungus problems like brown patch?Yes we can grow zoysia here
But it doesent green up until late and goes dormant early
Most of the golf courses here are Zoysia
You ever get fungus problems like brown patch?
You use Heritage G ?No other than normal maintenance my worst problem is nut sedge and freakin moles
You use Heritage G ?
Sedgehammer works like nothing else!No other than normal maintenance my worst problem is nut sedge and freakin moles
Fungicide.What’s that
Moles-Gotta control the grubs, and use spring traps.