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Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
My wife was a nurse and she went way overboard on prescriptions. She couldn't seem to understand that if you take too much it hurts your immune system. Sure you need them sometimes but other times its better to let your body fight it off without. She tended to freak out at the first symptom.
My parents didn’t have money to take 6 kids to the doctor for every sniffle so we learned to tough it out. A doctor is last resort in my house now.


nowhere special


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Ok, sounds logical. Most people go to doctors to get the medicine to feel better. I tend to let nature run its course, as well.

Just curious, is that out of your wife's scope of knowledge?
She keeps her stethoscope at work and doesn't do a lot of pediatric stuff.

While she should be able to do it for $20 would of taken the second opinion anyway