By Invitation Only


Resident Suit
I guess you have everyone's plans screwed up early and have time to post.

Good job.
We're getting clobbered today. My manager called this morning and said it wasn't safe for me to come in and I should work from home.

It took a few seconds for me to process a boss caring about your well being. My wife had to go in though, HA.


Staff member
We're getting clobbered today. My manager called this morning and said it wasn't safe for me to come in and I should work from home.

It took a few seconds for me to process a boss caring about your well being. My wife had to go in though, HA.

Even better, screwing up tomorrow's plans in your jammies.


Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
View attachment 184171 Wife’s dad lives in an assisted living facility Nice place he has his own apartment still drives Pretty much comes and goes as he pleases

Today she goes to visit him for
Lunch like she does every Wednesday

She opens the door and he’s banging his next door neighbor on the couch

Old bastids 84 years old and still doing the nasty

I asked if she gave him a high five. Her reply was there are some things you can’t unsee

This ones for you Charles!!!
Did she turn around and walk out as if she hadn’t seen anything?


Resident Suit
Any special targets?
Today was really just about adjusting next week up. Trying to clean up what is already in there. Boost SPC on Tues, Wed, and Thurs where we have the volume to put more cars in and drop it Monday where we don't have the volume and Friday because, who the hell wants to work a long day on Friday?


Staff member
Today was really just about adjusting next week up. Trying to clean up what is already in there. Boost SPC on Tues, Wed, and Thurs where we have the volume to put more cars in and drop it Monday where we don't have the volume and Friday because, who the hell wants to work a long day on Friday?

Are you turning into a nice guy now?



Never bought my own handtruck

About two hours ago out my back door. Sunny now. Six inches. TWSS. Half melted already.