By Invitation Only


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
What a day. Took down a dozen full size trees. Like 50+ years old and another 30 with trunks the size of my leg or so.

Wife is pissed. Says I took down all of her shade trees. I'm stoked I should finally be able to use my acre lot.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
That crap must be on sale everywhere. I saw a sign today but it was a 24 pack for about the same price.

I guess they drink more of it there.
Package size depends on the area.

I can't buy miller 30 packs here but drive a few miles across the state line and you can get 30's but not 24's


nowhere special


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
What a day. Took down a dozen full size trees. Like 50+ years old and another 30 with trunks the size of my leg or so.

Wife is :censored2:. Says I took down all of her shade trees. I'm stoked I should finally be able to use my acre lot.
How old would you guess they were?