By Invitation Only

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Wow, FedEx is cracking down. We are no longer allowed to pick up packages where the shipper is trying to pay by cash, check or credit card. They must bill to an account number.


nowhere special
If you are graded on the curve, it could be lower.
I remember making 19 on a Differential Equations class test and it was an A- ... the highest score was 22.
Asian Indian graduate student was the professor.
Might as well been self-study.
They make some tests extra difficult to generate a curve. They can't have everyone get A's of course.


I think Illinois is freaking out because their St. Louis connection is shut down.

Martins name carries massive weight in the STL area. I mean look at the mess he had to clean up. I don't think most expect big success for another 3-4 years. Dude took over one of the biggest dumpster fires in college basketball and in 3 recruiting classes has brought in as much STL talent as the previous 20 years combined.
Lou to the ZOU!


nowhere special
And I hate when they try to push issues like these on people.

I can guarantee you this is a massive flop and very few people choose to listen to them. But it will be touted a huge success.

To be honest when they will be compared to the other ESPN talent it won't be hard for them to look competitive.