By Invitation Only


Well-Known Member
Flower show at Epcot. Craft beer stands everywhere.



Well-Known Member
Didn’t realize that place was even still open. Thought it shut down with Wally World.

I'm actually not a big Disney land guy. Don't even like to go to be honest. :)

But never been to Disney world and I'd like to see if it's better. I've heard people say it's worse but hopefully I'll get to see on my own.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Never waited more than an hour yet. Gotta hit the park early. Pushing and running old people over with the double stroller, then explain you’re sorry, you’re from Jersey.
Someone once gave us a hint on how to go around an amusement park, to stand in few lines the first half of the day. As Americans we’re used to going counter clockwise. If you go clockwise when you first get there, most people will go to the right. It worked great for us when we went to Disneyland years ago.