By Invitation Only


nowhere special
They waddle!
didnt read.gif

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Tornado warnings here. Tv making noise, phones and iPads ringing out alerts. Crazy. Been in south jersey 44 years, only two tornadoes all that time. One when I was five, one about seven years ago. Both traveled a total of about 600 ft.
We’ve had a few here but it’s been a few years. I didn’t get any alerts on my phone or iPad though.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Tornado warnings here. Tv making noise, phones and iPads ringing out alerts. Crazy. Been in south jersey 44 years, only two tornadoes all that time. One when I was five, one about seven years ago. Both traveled a total of about 600 ft.
Don't let a little wind scare you!


nowhere special
Rush to the nearest trailer park.

Trailer parks are such a certainty they usually aren't even mentioned. I did hear of an apartment complex that had a lot of damage though. Not trailer park bad but former base housing that was refurbished into regular apartments. I'm sure the quality control was top notch.