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nowhere special
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BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
I have a feeling many love the "feel good" notion of " I will save our planet", but don't think they will have to curtail their modern lifestyle. Lol

What? Gas is how much? How can I drive to my beach home? Woah, my power is off? Why? Lol


golden ticket member
I have a feeling many love the "feel good" notion of " I will save our planet", but don't think they will have to curtail their modern lifestyle. Lol

What? Gas is how much? How can I drive to my beach home? Woah, my power is off? Why? Lol
It's gone (planet) in 10-12 years, so why bother??????


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Pocahontas Warren is on record tonight as wanting to make illegal your private health insurance. What a disaster.