By Invitation Only


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
They have a lot of vendors who put their products on the shelves themselves, such as, Hostess, Little Debbie, Frito Lay, Coke, Pepsi, etc. Maybe that’s who they’re talking about?
Yep. What if they have other deliveries to make that day? Who is wal Mart to demand they be there at 8 am on a Monday


nowhere special


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
And if you made it a game she’d love it. Lol.
Kids have no imagination anymore because they aren’t allowed to be bored. My cousin who is 16 was at my parents the other day and was going on and on about Ava playset and how they never had anything like that.

I’m like you had 300 acres as your playground.

Cousin: well there aren’t any swings in the woods

Me: sure there are. Cut a vine and swing on it.



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