By Invitation Only



@Brownslave688 me rolling up to the south east corner of Hearnes center on Saturday ready to smash some white claws


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
C’mon, I was egging on the conservative, 2nd amendment, Doll collector.
But for real and I wasn’t pointing at you directly. I just saw this tweet


If one actually believes this they must also believe stricter gun laws won’t do anything to prevent gun violence right?

But I can virtually guarantee you this person would be all for strict gun laws. So many hypocrites out there


Never bought my own handtruck
But for real and I wasn’t pointing at you directly. I just saw this tweet

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If one actually believes this they must also believe stricter gun laws won’t do anything to prevent gun violence right?

But I can virtually guarantee you this person would be all for strict gun laws. So many hypocrites out there
I agree one hundred percent. What ever happened to live and let live? Honestly, I never spent a lot of time around guns, they make me nervous as hell, mainly because I don’t even know how to make one safe or tell if it is. I have no need for one either though. I’d say there needs to be a happy medium, but it doesn’t really seem like there is. And everyone says we have strict gun laws in NJ, but there are shootings everyday in our cities. Same as any other city. Pennsylvania has better gun laws? Philly seems to have a shooting a day. It’s an unsolvable problem.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
I agree one hundred percent. What ever happened to live and let live? Honestly, I never spent a lot of time around guns, they make me nervous as hell, mainly because I don’t even know how to make one safe or tell if it is.
I’m safe with guns but everything I’ve done has been just out in the open. My wife’s family ran a gun shop and range for years. They are totally by the book safety wise. I’ve seen them rip my nephews a new one when they start to get a little loose with the safety.

I feel 100% safe with my kids learning from them.


I agree one hundred percent. What ever happened to live and let live? Honestly, I never spent a lot of time around guns, they make me nervous as hell, mainly because I don’t even know how to make one safe or tell if it is. I have no need for one either though. I’d say there needs to be a happy medium, but it doesn’t really seem like there is. And everyone says we have strict gun laws in NJ, but there are shootings everyday in our cities. Same as any other city. Pennsylvania has better gun laws? Philly seems to have a shooting a day. It’s an unsolvable problem.

There will never be peace in the world and there will never be a happy medium as long as people pick a hill and die on it when it comes to their political views, are unwilling to take their thinking to the second level, and are inept at thinking logically.

That’s why I don’t discuss political nonsense and pull a Carson Wentz and “KILL KILL!” the political discussion garbage. It’s a toxic collection of ignorance.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
I agree one hundred percent. What ever happened to live and let live? Honestly, I never spent a lot of time around guns, they make me nervous as hell, mainly because I don’t even know how to make one safe or tell if it is. I have no need for one either though. I’d say there needs to be a happy medium, but it doesn’t really seem like there is. And everyone says we have strict gun laws in NJ, but there are shootings everyday in our cities. Same as any other city. Pennsylvania has better gun laws? Philly seems to have a shooting a day. It’s an unsolvable problem.
Chicago has the stricter gun laws there are and there’s constantly shootings. Criminals don’t follow laws is what it comes down to.


Staff member
I’m safe with guns but everything I’ve done has been just out in the open. My wife’s family ran a gun shop and range for years. They are totally by the book safety wise. I’ve seen them rip my nephews a new one when they start to get a little loose with the safety.

I feel 100% safe with my kids learning from them.

The only reason I have a CCP, is if I take a handgun out of my house for any reason at all, I want to be 100% legal. Period.