By Invitation Only


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each, both and neither

it is a religion in that Judaism is a belief system with ritual and practice, and an underlying philosophy aimed at a connection to the divine and an adherence to divine command, but it is a race in that membership in the system (even without belief!) is passed through a genetic connection -- you cannot choose not to be Jewish if you are born in. However, because Judaism recognizes conversion, the religion cannot be purely racial (you cannot convert to another race). Therefore, it is easiest to say that it is a religion with racial/genetic components.

Walmart is selling out their supply of E-cigs and then will not sell vaping stuff.

Jeezus, I thought this was invitation only. Who the hell let her in here? Don't you have some funny quips or strange fact for today that you can't post in your quilting club? If my wife could cook, I'd send her to your edgy little recipe thread.


Never bought my own handtruck