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Not in any way that they can find. Colonoscopy coming up soon.
Ya know, I could be wrong but in researching my condition, I also came across anemia causes. My condition causes problems with the thyroid and a low iron condition can be caused by a thyroid issue. Hope your dad gets his thyroid test done too.

Some places offer a complete men's health panel screening. The one I took consisted of over 60 tests. Does your state and county offer such a thing?


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Ya know, I could be wrong but in researching my condition, I also came across anemia causes. My condition causes problems with the thyroid and a low iron condition can be caused by a thyroid issue. Hope your dad gets his thyroid test done too.

Some places offer a complete men's health panel screening. The one I took consisted of over 60 tests. Does your state and county offer such a thing?
He just got his blood work done (I can’t tell you what all they tested for) but it all came back clear.


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Kind of crazy they’ve known for over a month his hemoglobin is very low. Took a month to get in to see anyone. Was gonna take another month for the colonoscopy but my wife called in her connections and got him in in a week.

Please update me with whats going on. Tag me so I don't miss out. Since I found out about my problem, I have been feverishly reading and researching this iron thing.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus

Good morning.


nowhere special
One time I had the mechanic not tighten the lug nuts when they changed a tire overnight. The tire didn't come off but when I got to my first stop the lugs were ovaled out. I had to sit for over an hour for them to come out and change the tire.

No UPS mechanics on the clock that time of day. They called a tire service they have a contract with.