By Invitation Only


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.


@Brownslave688 who you thinking mizzou gets? All I got to say it better not be a former player (can’t handle the likes of TJ Moe clinging onto them because they’re a former player and overlooking garbage). And I don’t want Alex Grinch.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
I bet that's a culture shock going from a Rolls Royce to a Yugo.
I miss my Sprinter (especially the radio charging port and Bluetooth) but I’ve always loved driving our 700s. Definitely miss my rural route. Lol. The only thing I don’t like about this truck is it’s filthy and only a power washing would take care of that. I cleaned the dash but the back has dirt piles in corners. I haven’t been this dirty from work in years. Lol.


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I miss my Sprinter (especially the radio charging port and Bluetooth) but I’ve always loved driving our 700s. Definitely miss my rural route. Lol. The only thing I don’t like about this truck is it’s filthy and only a power washing would take care of that. I cleaned the dash but the back has dirt piles in corners. I haven’t been this dirty from work in years. Lol.
Congrats on working for UPS!