By Invitation Only


Half the lies they tell about me aren't true!!
Well, I was out shopping with the kids and a 70 year old man punched the window of my car because he thought I backed to close to his wife’s car. Lost my mind and used all my self control to not hurt him. Walked away after a few choice words but had to come home and relax.
Afraid you would have got beat up???


Well-Known Member
Well, I was out shopping with the kids and a 70 year old man punched the window of my car because he thought I backed to close to his wife’s car. Lost my mind and used all my self control to not hurt him. Walked away after a few choice words but had to come home and relax.

Good job man. Have to show our kids how to use self control.

Damn old people. Why can't we put them all in Minnesota with the rest of the dumb old people. ;)


Well-Known Member
Seriously. I told him to get back in the car and he walked up and punched the window. Didn’t break it but my kids were screaming. I wanted to rip his head off.

Did you pray to your all knowing god to give you strength?

Sorry couldn't help it... I've been dying to use it on @Turdferguson but this seemed like a good spot. ;)


Just a turd
Well, I was out shopping with the kids and a 70 year old man punched the window of my car because he thought I backed to close to his wife’s car. Lost my mind and used all my self control to not hurt him. Walked away after a few choice words but had to come home and relax.
That :censored2: gets your blood pumping good though doesn't it,