By Invitation Only


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
Lets see Little Mikey run a farm.

Bloomberg on why farmers can’t work in information technology MB: “I can teach anyone how to be a farmer 1 dig a hole 2 put a seed in 3 put dirt on top 4 add water 5 up comes the corn”

The skill 4information technology is completely different you need more grey matter
I wish he would 1, dig a hole. 2, get in the hole. 3, put dirt on top.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
I’m gonna dig a hole and put all your guns in it, then give you a huge atomic wedgie while blasting classic rock music.
Well for one, every time I buy I gun it falls out when I go sailing so I don't have any now anyway. Two, I still like classic rock. It's music elitists I hate. And three,

why a wedgie?????


nowhere special
Just seeing if your one of them libitard demwits....