By Invitation Only


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
Kind of? I mean, what makes the name?




Well-Known Member
First gen names haven't been around that long to be honest.

Boomers is pretty self explanatory.

Gen X was the rebellious generation. I remember reading something about why they were given that name. Something to do with anti establishment.

Millennials were Gen Y in the beginning. But because they were mainly growing up towards the turn of the millennium they started calling them millennials.

Gen Z is only because of X, Y... I'm sure they will give then another name at some point.

Of course this could all be wrong but that's what I remember. :)


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
First gen names haven't been around that long to be honest.

Boomers is pretty self explanatory.

Gen X was the rebellious generation. I remember reading something about why they were given that name. Something to do with anti establishment.

Millennials were Gen Y in the beginning. But because they were mainly growing up towards the turn of the millennium they started calling them millennials.

Gen Z is only because of X, Y... I'm sure they will give then another name at some point.

Of course this could all be wrong but that's what I remember. :)


nowhere special
First gen names haven't been around that long to be honest.

Boomers is pretty self explanatory.

Gen X was the rebellious generation. I remember reading something about why they were given that name. Something to do with anti establishment.

Millennials were Gen Y in the beginning. But because they were mainly growing up towards the turn of the millennium they started calling them millennials.

Gen Z is only because of X, Y... I'm sure they will give then another name at some point.

Of course this could all be wrong but that's what I remember. :)

I saw something about they are already coming up with a name for the latest gen. I don't remember what it was. I can't even keep straight the years for each supposed gen.