By Invitation Only

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Had a 125lb call tag. Knock on door and a Indian lady answers. Tells me its her mattress thats going back.
Me: "Is it in a box."

Her: "I'm returning it."

Me: "it has to be..." door closes.

Door opens 2 min later. Large king size mattress behind her.

Me: "I can't take that in needs to be in a box."

Her: "are you new?"

Me with a confused look: "no ma'am I'm not."

Her: "well this is your job. You will take."

Me: "goodbye."

She yelled at me the whole way back to the elevator.
Isn’t it fun when you can prove to a customer what’s NOT your job? Lol.


nowhere special
I was a lonely child... I was my own best friend.. :)


Retired 23 years
Had a 125lb call tag. Knock on door and a Indian lady answers. Tells me its her mattress thats going back.
Me: "Is it in a box."

Her: "I'm returning it."

Me: "it has to be..." door closes.

Door opens 2 min later. Large king size mattress behind her.

Me: "I can't take that in needs to be in a box."

Her: "are you new?"

Me with a confused look: "no ma'am I'm not."

Her: "well this is your job. You will take."

Me: "goodbye."

She yelled at me the whole way back to the elevator.
We have real Indians around here. Lovely bunch of people.