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Well-Known Member
9 whole percent, huh? It’s 87° with 72 % humidity. Quit your crying. Lol.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
A couple of above average temps around here won't convince me of that.
Especially since half of North America was covered in a mile deep layer of ice only 10k years ago. Then, it melted...

Global cooling-global warming.


Retired 23 years
Well global temps rising for decades hasn’t. So I didn’t figure it would.
20 years ago the panic was that we were entering a new ice age. I wish they would make up their minds. It's all just another gimmick to sell books and get people to invest in more worthless crap.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
20 years ago the panic was that we were entering a new ice age. I wish they would make up their minds. It's all just another gimmick to sell books and get people to invest in more worthless crap.
Yep, every scientist was on board. Even Time Magazine did a cover about the coming ice age.