By Invitation Only


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
DIY hacks need to stop even touching this stuff. Having to work on complete garbage after Joe Homeowner tried his hand gets pretty infuriating.



Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
More often than not the amateur screws thing up but not always. My mom paid a "professional" to install a new sink and garbage disposal. He left such a mess I ended tearing it all out and redoing it.
In newer commercial buildings at least I've never ran into anything too bad. It's always older buildings or people's homes where I find complete dog:censored2:. Even if it "works", it's still trash if I have to go knuckle deep in the box to try and work with the :censored2:ing inch of of wire they left me.


Staff member

LMAO where do these people come up with this :censored2:
For the online classes I took, it was basically a running joke that we were wearing dress jackets, but no pants.

And as long as we kept the webcam pointed up, it didn't matter... Lol.
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