By Invitation Only


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus

Toss it out, right in the front of the kiddies like @MyTripisCut does.
I am in a decluttering point of my life. I’ve even narrowed down my kids’ artwork to about 10 things each, my favorites. Those I will have made into magnets. If you could see some of the things my dad moved here with you’d say what my sisters and I have been saying....WTH? Lol.

I've been very cognizant of my depression era parents and their hoarding and been fighting against it all my adult life. I’m nowhere near the way they are/were but I still need to get rid of some things to simplify my life.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
I am in a decluttering point of my life. I’ve even narrowed down my kids’ artwork to about 10 things each, my favorites. Those I will have made into magnets. If you could see some of the things my dad moved here with you’d say what my sisters and I have been saying....WTH? Lol.

I've been very cognizant of my depression era parents and their hoarding and been fighting against it all my adult life. I’m nowhere near the way they are/were but I still need to get rid of some things to simplify my life.
Throw a match in the dumpster!
