By Invitation Only


Retired 23 years
Several counties in far western Kansas have no cellphone or internet service
Unless you are within spitting distance of a half a dozen cities in the northern third of Mn. there isn't any cell service that you can count on. The southern 2/3 of Mn. is covered ok for the most part. Internet service SUCKS for anyone living outside a city. (They still have to buy porn).

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
As I’ve said to anyone doing this....2 wrongs don’t make a right.

I mean what’s the benefit? Zilch none absolutely zero
Normally, I agree with your opinion on most things, but I think you’re wrong this time. The whole time Trump has been in office the “silent majority” has quietly sat in the wings watching Conservatives, Christians, American values, etc, get slammed on a daily basis by Liberals. They’ve watched their country erupt into chaos in many places for months without being able to do anything. People have been afraid to even speak up when they agreed with something Trump accomplished. People like my sister have been afraid to even hang a Trump flag in front of their house, worried their house might get egged or worse. A Trump rally or parade is their chance to get out and be loud and be proud to show their patriotism with people who believe like them, even if they don’t like Trump, but agree with what he’s done. If you could have seen or felt the excitement that was in the air today, you would understand.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Normally, I agree with your opinion on most things, but I think you’re wrong this time. The whole time Trump has been in office the “silent majority” has quietly sat in the wings watching Conservatives, Christians, American values, etc, get slammed on a daily basis by Liberals. They’ve watched their country erupt into chaos in many places for months without being able to do anything. People have been afraid to even speak up when they agreed with something Trump accomplished. People like my sister have been afraid to even hang a Trump flag in front of their house, worried their house might get egged or worse. A Trump rally or parade is their chance to get out and be loud and be proud to show their patriotism with people who believe like them, even if they don’t like Trump, but agree with what he’s done. If you could have seen or felt the excitement that was in the air today, you would understand.

But those people were always going to vote trump. I figure undecideds look at it and are yeah no thanks think I’ll distance myself from that.

I don’t know just nothing I would ever even entertain the thought of doing. Comes across as very stewartish to me.


Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
But those people were always going to vote trump. I figure undecideds look at it and are yeah no thanks think I’ll distance myself from that.

I don’t know just nothing I would ever even entertain the thought of doing. Comes across as very stewartish to me.

I never thought I would do it either, until yesterday, because I’m not into “look what I can do” either. I figured, what the hell, why not. It was fun.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
I wonder how long a 90 year old man can live on M&Ms? That’s all my dad wants to eat right now. He says it’s the easiest and least troublesome thing to eat. Lol.