By Invitation Only


Staff member
The contract doesn't change because of peak or because there is a pandemic. I'm sorry you didn't get your hero pay. Go ask a waitress or bartender how they are doing.

Yeah for someone that's been here 10 years you'd think they would know how the pension and healthcare work. Your initiation fees do not go towards that and neither do your monthly dues.

You do realize that you may be one of the retirees at some point right? So when it goes away for them it goes away for you.

Absolutely, there are many better jobs out there. Just like there are many jobs that are much worse.

I know many career part timers that love this job. The benefits and pension for a part time job are pretty much unmatched anywhere else. Also as a PT worker it's nearly impossible to be fired.

Good luck. This job isn't for everyone. Oh and before you try and say I don't know what you went through. I did a little over 9 years before I went FT in one of the highest cost of living states in the country.
Whoa whoa whoa...

Last sentence.

When did you go full time???


nowhere special

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Geezus. Maybe it’s not so bad to be a computer nerd. My daughter told me her boyfriend was accepted for an internship making $36.50 an hour plus they’ll pay for his housing in Charlotte, NC.


Staff member
Geezus. Maybe it’s not so bad to be a computer nerd. My daughter told me her boyfriend was accepted for an internship making $36.50 an hour plus they’ll pay for his housing in Charlotte, NC.
Lol. My sister interned just outside of Charlotte for similar pay and housing.

Wouldn't happen to be either Ansible, or Red Hat, would it?