By Invitation Only


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
He's obviously a troll and a creep.
I don't know. Trolls know they're trolling. The vibes he gives me are more that of the old guy at the local bar that gets drunk every week and starts getting loud and obnoxious until they have to call the cops and he wakes up in a dumpster pissed off at everyone but doesn't remember why he's in that dumpster.


Well-Known Member
But sometimes you have to feed them. It's like throwing fish at a dolphin so you can watch it do flips.

Hungry fella?


I started this.
Staff member
Happy New Year, Tony to you and @cheryl. Are you guys locked down? My sister lives in Oakland and is totally following the rules. Lol.
Happy New Year to you! Southern California is on big time lock down. It totally sucks. Small businesses are going out of business since they're closed down and still have to pay rent and taxes with no income, but Target, liquor stores and Costco are open. Public schools are closed, private schools are open. Go figure...

There are some outdoor restaurants that aren't following the rules and we've been to them a few times. They've got everyone spaced out and it's outside so we're willing to take the "risk". We wear masks when we're walking around other people because we were told to, but not everyone does.

I heard that Florida is open so it must be much more normal there. Consider yourself lucky that you don't live here.


Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
Planning a ensenada trip soon. The plan was to do a 5 day white shark expedition( Guadalupe Island Shark Diving | Cage Diving With Great White Sharks ) but with coivd it probably won't happen. So instead well probably just spend a week in ensenada.


Well-Known Member