By Invitation Only

old levi's

blank space
The Latinos always had the cod delivery money order ready on the first day, rounded up to the nearest dollar.
Can't say the same for the white gomers just down the road.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
"The only information that this driver had that could serve as a trigger for this deep-seated hate, was the name on the package. The addressee had never met this individual in their life," said Forward Latino President Darryl Morin.

Three hundred some thousand alleged covid deaths yet we still can't be lucky enough for it to include every dip:censored2: like this.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus

old levi's

blank space
"The only information that this driver had that could serve as a trigger for this deep-seated hate, was the name on the package. The addressee had never met this individual in their life," said Forward Latino President Darryl Morin.

Three hundred some thousand alleged covid deaths yet we still can't be lucky enough for it to include every dip* like this.

but the covid is a hoax, those numbers are made up