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Amatuer Malthusian


Never bought my own handtruck


Well-Known Member


Middle fingers up!!

I’ve been blissfully unaware of this until tonight when a friend asked me if I’d ever heard of it. Siiiiigghh. We sure live in a sick world.
I used to date a girl who drove the escorts to their meet ups. She told me there was a guy that all he paid for was for the escort to poop on him. That's some weird fetish 🤣


Never bought my own handtruck
View attachment 487317

@Johney We need these at our beaches, don’t we? They blow high-powered air to get the sand off rather than wasting water.

I’ve been blissfully unaware of this until tonight when a friend asked me if I’d ever heard of it. Siiiiigghh. We sure live in a sick world.

I'm sure @MyTripisCut would help you clean up.

I’m sure we could come up with a solution here.
Maybe we can use the air guns to clean up the poop???
offer accepted @Operational needs and #paidsubsription