By Invitation Only


Staff member
I’m hoping you guys can help me understand something, being men and all. My youngest daughter went to Portugal by herself a few days ago. She was texting a HS guy friend who works for United AL. He decided yesterday to fly there to hang out with her and watch a soccer game.
My question to y’all is, would a young man fly half way around the world to see a girl friend if he doesn’t have feelings for her? Yea, I know he flew free.
@BadIdeaGuy you're around their age, what do you think?
100% he likes her.

I like soccer, but there’s no way I’m flying halfway around the world to see a game.

He’s making a grand gesture. A pretty darn good one, too. 😂


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
No, you can’t have my number.
You gave me a fake number last time!